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Saturday, August 2

Shifted to http://star-nighter.livejournal.com/

But I wont completely close down this blog though!

Our Promise (:
9:17 PM

Monday, July 21

I went to watch The Dark Knight last friday at AMK hub. It was a great movie indeed! No wonder Sherf reminded me over and over again that she wanted to go watch it. It was really worth my 6 bucks. The whole movie just got me sitting at the edge of my seat, excited and eager to find out what was going to happen next.

The joker was incredibly intelligent and an excellent manipulator of the mind. The way he planned out his whole escape route was so ingenius that I couldnt help but look on in awe. Then after the 2 hr plus movie we went to develop photos.

Sunday: Went out to study with Munyee! She filled me in with her interesting life story. I studied a bit of econs and did a teeny weeny bit of maths.

Today: Got teased relentlessly by a bunch of wu liao people in my class! Gah...Im too civilised to reveal the content of what they said so I'll just leave it as it is. But one thing I must say, although I was too nice to say it out then. For all those who were present then, its regarding n. Just one nicely aimed kick, and n, whereby n is a real number, will almost immediately become zero. Hah!

Okay Im off!

Our Promise (:
9:14 PM

Thursday, July 17

刚刚听了 “小人物的心声”。。。
















歌词还蛮有意义的。说真的,就算一个人有多么有成就, 如果过得不开心,那又有何用?虽然我现在算是个小人物,但日子也过得还蛮不错。。。

每天搭巴士回家时我都会经过这个游乐园,今天也不列外。奇怪的是, 好像有人在荡秋千, 可是周围一个人影也没有。。。难道这是灵异事件吗?


Alright. Enough of my crappy chinese. Im off!

Our Promise (:
8:42 PM

Tuesday, July 15

Had a really funny day today. I haven had such a good laugh for ages already! And its all thanks to jessica! She's so humourous in her unique way and somehow today everything she says just triggers my "laugh" button.

Stayed up til 1.30 am on sunday night to have a heart to heart talk with my sis. We're so bloody similar in our character and thinking! We'd never want people to see the weak side of us so no matter what happens, we'll put up a false front. Sometimes it might seem that I don't care, but the more I care, the less I'll want to show it. I really don't know why, but all these thoughts are really pouring out now. I guess I just want a place to vent out my pent up feelings. I don't like to appear to be needy and so I'll never ever put my pride aside to make the first move to others etc, unless I know they wouldnt mind me coming to them all the time. You could say that Im insecure but even in my insecurity, I don't want any one to know. Often, I'll fear that all of a sudden, my friends will see the flawed side of myself and distance themselves. So sometimes, I'll be the one doing the "distancing" for a while, so that I wouldnt be hurt so much. Well, that was in the past, right now Im doing my best to prevent these old habits from arising again.

I feels so childish writing all these...sounds whiny oh dear. Im too people conscious. I might not really care what others think, but what my friends think are VERY important. Alright I'll just stop here.

Well, at least there are things worth smiling for! 加油加油!才四个月。。。我可以的!路虽然遥远,但应为有你们在,我一定可以渡过这个考验。。。


Our Promise (:
8:27 PM

Sunday, July 13


I remember the times we spent together
On those drives
We had a million questions
All about our lives
And when we got to New York
Everything felt right
I wish you were here with me

I remember the days we spent together
Were not enough
And I used to feel like dreamin'
Except we always woke up
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you, I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you

I remember the time you told me
About when you were eight
And all those things you said that night
That just couldn't wait

I remember the car you were last seen in
And the games we would play
All the times we spilled our coffees
And stayed out way too late

I remember the time you sat and told me
About your Jesus
And how not to look back
Even if no one believes us
When it hurts so bad
Sometimes not having you here
I sing

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you, I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you

I sing
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you

My sister got me quite hooked onto this song. Catchy yet sad tune as well as very meaningful lyrics about friendship mainly. I read her blog recently about friendship and I must say Im quite surprised to see that she felt that way too. This bond with others may seem so very strong at points of time, yet in actual fact they are really fragile.

I didnt realise until just now how similar my views are with my sister's. I suppose we are both people who appear nonchalance on the outside for fear of being hurt. Caring too much would just mean being hurt more if things don't turn out the right way. Oh wells.

That’s just life
That’s just life
永远向前 路一直都在

No matter what happens, there will always be a way out. No matter what happens, life will still go on...


Our Promise (:
9:07 PM

Saturday, July 12

My dad is a thoroughly amusing person. In the car today, while going for lunch at some buangkok food court, for some weird reason, he suddenly proclaimed my sister to be the Minister of Defence, me to be the Minister of Finance and himself to be the Prime Minister. Wanting to poke fun at his stinginess, I jested, "Eh, since Im Minister for finance, why you never give me the money?? No money finance what?"

And then my sister spoilt my ploy.

"Cos Im minister of defence! Im supposed to defend the money!"

*Cold wind blows and the whole car suddenly felt like its freezing...*

My mom is one funny woman too. For some reason or another, I was questioning my sister's sanity, or rather lack of it. "I think your screw is so loose...mahmee you need to tighten up her screw!" I kind of whined.

My mom nodded her head seriously, "Yes, ask papa to tighten it. Papa got strength!"


Oh wells. Im gonna blog in chinese for a while! Been a long time since I used it.

WARNING: Horrible chinese lang ahead. Dont read if you don't want your chinese language to deteriorate.


昨天,我,依雯和小宝宝 一起去Westmall吃午餐。可爱的主人真的是太好笑了!真没想到我主人果然是那么馋嘴!:)


有时候我觉得我一点也不了解自己。 “为什么”这三个字总会浮现在我脑海里。为什么我会那样做,为什么我会那样想,为什么会为小事而感到烦恼。。。真希望有一天我能够解剖自己的脑袋, 看看里面的内容。。。


Forget it. My chinese sucks to the core. 真的是孙先生坐在船上。。。逊!

Im gg off now!

I cant stand it when I get affected by reasons I don't even know. I hate it when I cant understand why Im so confused about everything that is not worth thinking about...

Our Promise (:
9:10 PM

Monday, July 7

I was listening to Aurora by Angela and there was this very line that caught my attention: "chuan shuo de yu yan, yuan lai jiu shi lian ren de yan guang" and that got me wondering. Lian ren de yan guang..how does it look like? So on my hc class outing today, I was trying to keep a look out for that "yan guang". Trying discreetly to observe the couple of my class, it was quite disappointing that I didnt manage to catch any "yan guang" between them. Hmmm, maybe thats the secret. This "yan guang" is only shared between them and no one else is able to observe it but them. Maybe thats what makes it so special.

Surprisingly, the class outing today was attended by quite a large percentage of the class. About 2/3 or slightly more turned up. After everyone's initial surprise of seeing me there, the rest of the day went quite normally. I didnt feel like anyone was making any special, particular effort to try and be nice to me so it felt really quite natural.

We lunched at pizza hut and then pooled a bit before wasting a whole lot of time trying to decide what to do. That must be the greatest disadvantage of having so many turn up for an outing. Some wanted to k-box, others wanted to go arcade and a handful were thinking along the lines of ice skating or watching movies. In the end, I went to the arcade and for the first time of my life, played the Tou Lan Ji. Didnt know it was so fun! I shall go try it again some day.

After everyone decided to go home, Mel and I both decided that we havent had enough of pool yet, so we went to pool for an additional hour. And then it was dinner at Kobayashi. I think that we actually did the most things when there were only the 2 of us! Mel proved herself to be the better pool player, beating me 3-1!

And now...its back to reality-SCHOOL and HOMEWORK!!


Just read my sister's blog and to clarify things- I did NOT attempt to poison her using sodium cyanide or barium hydroxide because I have absolutely no idea where to find them! But before you think I love you too much to bear to poison you, my dear sister, do let me know the whereabouts of these chemicals so that I can carry out my plans to perfection. I know it'll work since you're such a glutton. The moment you set your eyes on those eggs, you wont even think about my intentions until you've goofed it all down. And then- Hurrah! I've rid the world of an evil!

And right now, my insane sister just shook her hands in front of me in a trembly manner and stared at me with the siao-ding-dong look. Then she declared, "Parkinson's!" And proceeded to shake both her hands in front of my face, as if to prove her point. Well, she has certainly proven my hypothesis of her right! She clearly and truly is the maddest and craziest girl I've ever encountered(She gives me a glare and attempts to press the "backspace" button...But I wont let her have her way! I must reveal these crazy acts to the rest of the world who don't know!) .......

Alright- Im off to bed! Damn tired.

Our Promise (:
9:30 PM

Friday, July 4

I must say that this week has been a rather fruitful week in terms of enlightenment. I finally came to terms with my atrocious grades and have set up my mind to think only of how to improve from now onwards. Its too much to ask me to start studying very hard immediately, but I'll take my very first step-Finish all my homework in the shortest possible time. Because, as yiwen said, if you don't finish your homework, you'll never find the time to start studying. How true that is!

Went to gracie's house today! Its really huge and glassy and classy! Her pool looked so inviting! Except for the fact that there are insects in the pool. Having "tea" in her home made me feel a little like a royalty. We all felt a wee bit uneasy, which probably accounted for the silence while eating. After a while it got so weird, I just opened my mouth and said whatever came to my mind, in hope of easing the weird mood. And what I said turned out to be embarrassing events that happened to me and my sister in China about 2 years or 3 ago...

We had 4 quick games of contract bridge and it was so addictive! All I can think of after that was-I want more! Duo yi ge Duo yi ge zhai duo yi ge!! We nearly missed the shuttle bus back! But somehow the kind bus driver saw us running and waited for us.

Hmmm. I just realised how the more you think about certain things, the more troubled you become. The more you try to weigh pros and cons, the more confused you get. And after some time, even the most trivial matter can be magnified into this really huge problem, which is really silly since if you think about it with a clear mind, no matter how grave your problem is, its still never the end of the world even if you cant solve it.

Okay, im keeping this post short and sweet. Shall blog again another day! When I have more inspiration.


Our Promise (:
8:20 PM

Sunday, June 29

Thank goodness for Econs, which lifted my spirits momentarily after all those horrendous results. Surprisingly, Econs turned out to be my most consistent subject. Sure, I practically failed every single one of the class tests given,but when mattered the most, I will somehow manage to pull through. 3 times lucky already-Im not so sure if I'll be lucky too for prelims.

On a happier note, Spain beat Russia 3-0 on thursday morning! And they're due to play Germany this coming morning. Hope Spain wins mann!

Haven been doing much but stoning and pondering about useless stuffs. I feel like Im a hypocrite. This morning a bee was spotted in my toilet. The bee flew in through the ventilation window and hovered about the mouth of the tap. Then it left by the same way it entered. This cycle repeated about 3 to 4 times. Just when I began to feel an attachment to the tiny bee, my dad came stomping in with two slippers in hand to smash the bee flat. Having developed sentimental feelings towards the insect, I shrieked, "No no!! Don't kill it!. Just leave it, let it fly out and then seal the entrance.." But my advice fell flat with my dad, who insisted that the bee has to be killed.

Just a few minutes of "interaction" with the bee and I already felt so sad at its demise. The hypocrisy is that I so very often call for beetles and other insects to be killed without considering the fact that it, too, has a life and probably its own family too. Oh wells.

My sister's time now. Im off.

Our Promise (:
8:02 PM

Tuesday, June 24

Just two days.

Two days is already enough to rip me apart emotionally, with the return of all the CT papers. It is really unsettling how great an impact they have on me this time, when I've always been cool about getting not-so-great results. Perhaps its the sense of self inferiority when I see myself placed among the bottom of my class each time, and my class is well placed at the bottom of the cohort as well, making me the bottom of the cohort.

It scaring me when I see how everyone is trying to buck up and putting in efforts in their studies while I could still heck-care my way through. Its time to change. Seriously. I need to start studying. I need to have more motivation and determination. I need to perserve because its do or die for me now. I need to stop thinking Im so great that I can score even with last minute studying because I sure cant. I need to instill will power.

I always say, its okay, its okay...this is just CTs,if you get 4 As for A levels, who the hell will care if you fail your CTs? But the truth is, its not okay. Not at all. By saying that, im assuming that I will, eventually, get those 4As. Judging by my grades, and attitude right now, its nearly impossible. An uphill task indeed.

I recalled telling Sherf that "Old habits die hard"

To which she replied, "If there's a will, there's a way."

And I had nothing to counter, until Yihui said, "The mind may be willing but the flesh is weak"

How true indeed.

But then, cheryl's msn nick served as an inspiration once more: Nothing is impossible, even the word "IMPOSSIBLE" says "I M POSSIBLE".

So no matter how demoralised I am, no matter how dumb and inferior I feel compared to others, and no matter how terrible my grades are, I will not let them affect me too much. Instead, this setback shall only serve to be my strength to work towards my goal of As.

Anyway, just a mini overview of how terrible my grades were:

Maths: S (on the dot)

Its my best subject so you can imagine how I felt after seeing those grades in red. Drastic fall from an A in promos to a U now. Talk about complacency. I feel so guilty about it. Well, at least its a lesson learn to never take things for granted. If you don't work for it, why should they come to you easily? Pride comes before fall is so apt to describe me.

Bio: Straight U

Disappointed of course. But what can I expect if I practically didnt study due to that major fever of mine? Still, it was no excuse. If I had studied earlier, I probably wouldnt have it that bad. All boils down to my laziness. Maybe Im dumb. Who knows?

Chem: Straight U

Immediate U in fact. I entered the examination hall knowing thats the grade I would get. Actually getting a U isnt a problem with me. Its the extent of my failure. Being a kaypoh girl I scanned the chem list to see the lowest grades in class. No surprise that it appears that I am ranked second in class for chem, from the back. Chem really feels so hopeless for me. I feel like im in this tunnel where I'll never get to see light. I feel so helpless and lost whenever Im faced with it, and I'll always try to avoid anything CHEM. Now Im going to face chem bravely. No more escaping anymore. There is no point.


The first subject I passed. Surprisingly, it was my essay which pulled me up.I've never ever gotten anything more than a 25 from Ducro before so this 30 comes as a great encouragement for me. I'll try and try to improve. No more excuses. This CT is a Wake Up Call.

To sum things up, I WILL be undaunted though shakened by this failure. I SHALL strive to overcome the strong forces of attraction to the computer. I MUST start producing and investing in consumer goods rather than thinking about producing capital goods for long run benefits all the time. If everyone in my country produces capital goods, granted there will be more consumer goods in the future, but will enough of the population survive to reach the future? Im talking rubbish here so don't read this if you don't want me to corrupt your econs.

I thought I couldnt care less. But somehow I am wrong. Oh heck, now's not the time to care.

Our Promise (:
8:34 PM

Sunday, June 22

The Oranje got squashed into pulp by the Russians late in the night, or early this morning. I had no intention of watching the match, which I thought was obviously in the favour of Holland, initially, until I woke up to use the toilet and just stoped by to watch the match for a while. A while turned into slightly more than 10 minutes and just when I was about to make my way back to bed, Russia scored.

My jaw just dropped there and then. But it was no surprise, considering how they were attacking non stop, without giving holland much of a chance to counter attack. Then I decided to stay and watch until Holland recovered. And that only happened at 80 plus minutes! So eventually I stayed and watched the entire match, including extra time but excluding the first half and saw how Russia overcame the odds to win.

Although I sacrificed quite a bit of my precious sleep, I must say that the Russian players are actually quite a bit of an eye candy. Russian playmaker Andrei Arshavin with his rosy cheeks got me swooning over him. And his goal against Holland was one of the most amusing ones I've ever seen in Euro! He just coolly slotted the ball in between the gap of Van Der Sar's legs. The way Van der sar tried to snap his legs shut after the ball got through was so funny I just burst out laughing at the sight of it!

Hmmm...Im wondering if this year's Euro would be the year of an underdog again. Anyway hope that Spain can win Italy in tonight's match! But no way am I waking up to watch again. There is SCHOOL tomorrow :(

Today is pretty much a day of irony, eventful in terms of humour too!

My dad enters a windy room and turns on the fan. Then he looks at me and gave me a long lecture about how we should learn to save electricity and switch off the fan when it's windy. I stared pointedly at the fan which he had just turned on, trying to make a point. My dad either didnt get my hint, or he was just pretending not to get it. Then he gets up, offs the fan and leaves the room. That was yesterday.

Today he enters my room again. The room is relatively windy, with intermittent bouts of wind. Dad looks at the "hard at work" fan and shakes his head at me. He proceeds to sit down, and turns up the speed to number 2. And once more he gives a lecture on how we should save electricity now there is inflation and all. I opened my mouth to argue that it was unfair how he could turn on the fan while I cant. But my stubborn dad just refused to let me talk and went on making his own point. After he decided that he has said enough, he stood up, turns off the fan, walks out of the room, and leaves me in a fanless situation.

Speak of irony mann.

Later in the afternoon my sister picks up my pooh bolster and starts slamming my dad's poor head with it. I shrieked at her to stop that immediately and stop torturing my poor bear. Looking at it, my dad commented:" Thats a bear? It looks like a pig! A square pig! Let me see!"

And so, obediently, my sis tossed the pooh to him. My dad nodded his head solemnly. "Ohh, so its winnie the pooh! I thought what is it..." And he proceeds to give it left chops, right chops, middle chops and side chops before sending it flying back to my sister, who continues her torture of squeezing it all over.

"Mammm!!!" I wailed, "Tell Seline to stop bullying my pooh bear leh!!"

"Orh.." Said my mom who then glares at my sister. "Pass me the bear!"

And my sister obediently tossed the bear to her.

My mom gave a sweet smile and said, "aiyo, the bear out of shape liao la. Lai, Wo bang ni nong hui qu..." She thus went on to squeeze the bear left right up bottom and even slams her hand onto its face in the process of "making pooh bear into its original rectangular shape"!!

Sighs. And I thought mama was nice enough to not torture it.

My sister is getting weirder and weirder though. She trusted her phone in front of me all of a sudden and asked me, "Does it look familiar?"

I squinted at her phone. It was a picture of her and a winnie the pooh. I was thinking, duh...its you wad...of cos it looks familiar. Then as if she was reading my thoughts, she hinted, "Look at the pooh!" I made no reply.

My sis gave a huge sigh, as though talking to a retard. Then she picks up my pooh and chirped:" They're siblings!!", before falling into fits of laughter. Oh GOSH.

I had plenty of time to extract my revenge from her though. While her back was turned away from me, I snuck into her room as silently as I could and sat down on the mat behind her chair, waiting for her to realise my presence. Seconds went by and she still had not bothered to turn around. I was starting to get really bored. A while later, I intentionally made some noises to alert my sis of my presence. And as expected, she began looking around the room to see where the sound came from.

Then she saw me and gave out this huge yell that had me giggling in delight. I must admit that I have this fetish in scaring my sister and Im always getting the kick in doing it, both literally AND figuratively. As you might as guessed, my sister obviously wouldnt let me off so easily for scaring her and so her immediate reaction was a aim a few hard kicks at my shin. Oh wells.. but that doesnt mean that I've learnt my lesson. I will still continue to indulge in this funny pleasure of mine.

Okay a few more sayings before I go off.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

I like this one!! Haha, next time if you ever see anyone you like, just smile. You never know how far a smile can bring you without trying. And of course it would end with a tear, because if it doesnt, then you probably don't love the person....Right? Unless you're the kind who is so act cool that you prevent yourself from crying at all costs...

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Yeah, I wonder who will cry when I die...hmmm

Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.

Haha! I laughed when I saw this. Laughed at the truth in it and also the untruth of this statement. Okay, its a paradox. But there are both truths and untruths. The truth is if you tell your true friends your problems, then the statement clearly does not stand. But if people whom you tell them to are mere acquaintance, then there is much truth in it.

Alrights. Its my sister's time now!


Our Promise (:
8:12 PM

Saturday, June 21

Today was more or less one of those mundane days which I cant seem to recall much of. My family provided me with a little of the much needed entertainment though.

Just before we went out for dinner, somehow I began to comment on how my sister is a weirdo.

"Weirdo!" I called her.

My sis swung around and glared at me, widening her eyes into huge circles looking ready to eat me up.

"Weirdo!!" I called again. This time my dad heard and he gave this huge smile and added "Weirdooo" to the list.

I smugly called out, "See, dad says you're a weirdooooo!" (Okay thats' really childish of me but whatever,....if I dun show my childish side to my family, who else can I show it to? I need to preserve my sane image at school! )

To which my sister promptly shot back:"And you're a weirdAAA!!"

So, in a matter of seconds, my family has been divided into two groups of the "Weirdoo" and the "Weirdaa"s...

My sis has just taken a liking to repeating these words "Mao mao!" to me. I have no idea why. Perhaps its because she enjoys seeing me give that annoyed look? Hmmm...from now on I shall "GET SMART" and fake ignorance whenever she says that.

Talking about get smart, I wanna watch that show!! Never mind, shall see if I have time to steal a date with my sis and make her pay for the tickets!

Alright Im back to trying to analyse sayings. Wheee its fun! Read my analysis with a pinch of salt though. I believe in "To each his own" so you might not necessarily agree with what I have to say.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

The obvious. But in reality, majority do go for looks AND wealth. The problem is, if I want to go for someone who makes me smile, its practically EVERYONE!! Everyone makes me smile in one way or another...hmmmm

Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

Definitely. But sometimes, even when you know your actions would hurt someone, you'd do it anyway. Somethings are inevitable. Oh wells.

A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.


The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Yes! I want to be like this. To make the most out of everything. Even failures happen for a reason. They only serve to make you stronger.

Alright. Its my sister's time to use the comp soon. So thats all for now.


Our Promise (:
8:55 PM

Friday, June 20

I was just looking through my Word documents and saw this folder entitled "dvc stuffs". And obviously, I was curious about it and opened it. My STM(short term memory) made me unable to recall when and why I ever saved such a file with that name.

Just a little interuption before I make my point: I dreamt about dvc AGAIN. Would have thought that after so long...my brain will stop dvc stuffs from cropping up. But no...after a few days of dvc-less nights, it has to return once more. And each time its longer than the previous. Gah!

Back to the dvc file. And so, curious me opened it and voila! out came a whole list of sayings. I must say most of them are really rather meaningful! So I shall post them on my blog for future reference. In case I want to repeat doing it for my next batch of kids. (By the way, what I did was to write little sayings on a card for every kid as a way of teaching them principles of life etc...)

Oh, and I realised that I never got to use more than half of them anyway, since most are about LOVE and obviously, you dont want their parents reading it to see me teaching them those at such a young age!

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

Okay this one doesnt seem to be much of a saying but its still very true and logical so I just put it up. And kudos to my friend who has recently plucked up her courage to just admit to this guy that she likes him! Way to go mann! Haha, but that's really something that no one should expect from me since it would be uncharacteristic of a "prideful" person like me.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

Again, it has to do with bgr...

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship and find out you still care for that person

Don't really know how true this is but it sounds pretty logical. Except that when you take away all those as per mentioned, is it really possible? hmmm *ponders*

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

Yeah!! This one really sounds like something you'd see in tv dramas where its so heart wrenching. One example that immediately came into mind was Lu from Goong. My heart still goes out to him when caijing preferred that yucky xin jun...Gah!

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had

Agreed totally. Just that I've never tried sitting on a porch and swinging and ALSO keeping silent with any friend before. So all my friends out there, care to try that with me and see if you feel like its the best convo you've ever had? :)

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

Heh, my dear friends...its a pity you don't know what a "little treasure" you've got here and you prob wont know until its too late-you've lost me! So better treasure me and all those moments we share! (See? This does not only educate kids, they educate YOU too plus helps me bring across whatever little hints I want to make..)

Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.

Cliche. But that doesnt mean its not true. Unfortunately, no matter how true that it, its still better to be loved than to love la. Best is to love and BE loved! Best of both worlds!

There are things you'd love to hear that you would never hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from, but don't be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.

Ooh, I like this one. Sounds so sweet and romantic, like those korean dramas and all. There will always be this person the main character likes and idolises, only to realise later on that her true love is actually the one by her side all along and is secretly doing things for her without her knowledge. Ahhh....But once again, those are shows. In real life, sometimes you never get it(cos you're freaking dense!) even when the "one who says it from his heart" is screaming "I LOVE YOU" really really loudly but you cant hear it, because he's saying it inside him and willing you to hear but obviously you cant. After all, we humans are clearly no mind-readers!

Okay there're still plenty more to go but Im running out of TIME so for the moment I shall stop my rants and blog about other stuffs first and see if there is still time for more analysis of those sayings.

I fell asleep last night with my MP3 player still playing. But when I woke up at 3 it stopped. Probably ran out of battery. Why Im blogging about this irrelevant happening about my mp3...I also dunno. Maybe just to hint to someone that I might need a better mp3 that can last longer? Heehee but then again, its not like my parents will buy it for me even if they read this.

Oh and Germany beat Portugal 3-2. Serve those peacock proud portuguese right! Alright, its a rather unfair comment since on the whole, the main culprit responsible for being proud(to me) is merely C. Ronaldo. I have no idea why, but since a very long time, this player has been on my "Kan bu shun yan" list. Perhaps its the way he likes to dive and act and all. Aye boy...want to act don't be footballer la..go be actor better...

Im minutes to being chased off the comp so looks like I cant continue with my critical(okay not really critical...) analysis...


Our Promise (:
10:17 PM

Thursday, June 19

Cliche start: Time.

Its running out real fast, like water spilling out from a broken vase. There were times during the holidays that I thought time was passing too slowly for my liking. But now, when the realisation that there is so much to do came upon my enlightened soul, the clock is ticking way faster than I'd have liked.

Went to the macs at science centre for group study on tuesday. I ended up being the earliest. Joined by yiwen, yihui and baby thereafter. After not seeing them for so long(at least a week!) we had plenty to catch up on. Practically talked about all sorts of rubbish and analysed people and stuffs. Of course, we didnt forget to do our work too. So it was a just nice mixture of work blended with play.

The journey back was a long one. Thankfully, I had the company of yihui and she kept me thinking with all her cheem answers and logic.

Wednesday was the first day I really exercised throughout the whole holiday. Had a mini 1.5hrs badminton workout session with Papa Kok, Mama Kok and Pig cum Idiot Kok. It was tiring but super enjoyable. I felt so good exercising after being a couch potato for so long. I had neck ache after playing with my dad. He kept hitting all those high shots that required me to constantly look upwards and take aim at the spiraling shuttle cock. The "shuangness" of badminton made me remember why I consider it my all time favourite sport to play.

After that I joined Sheena to study together at macs(again) at around 2. The whole study session was relatively productive, considering the fact that I completed my maths assignment(with a few parts I couldnt do though...) as well as one tiny part of chem...Dinner was Subway!! Yumm...Cold Cut Trio was really nice. After dinner we went back to macs to study more but I think after dinner I just totally lost all the mood to study.

Our table was beside these two girls, who looked really like Ah Lians in terms of their dressing and actions etc. I excused myself to use the loo and when I returned, Sheena told me(or rather wrote on a piece of paper) that one of the 2 girls asked her, "Ni you mei you chou yan?(Do you smoke?)" and poor sheena got so shocked at the question she failed to give any reply. I think the other girl(nicer probably) could tell that her friend had scared sheena so she muttered to her that her friend is just joking. And then they asked her how to spell "cardigan" ...


Okay I think they're amusing. daring and amusing. They just simply can talk to anyone they don't even know!

And today I went to science centre AGAIN to mug with yiwen and baby. Yihui was supposed to come too but in the end she backed out since she got too lazy to come! LOL. So typical of her...:)

We were talking lots of crap again as usual. But crapping is good-I adore it! Then later on we played "Cheng Yu Pictionary" I drew all over yiwen's chem book and made them guess what cheng yu that was! It was actually quite fun! But I do realise that I could hardly remember much of the 250 I painstakingly memorised a few years ago...

Baby just told me that she and yiwen are both sick, down with flu! Awwww...poor things. Hope they get well soon!!

Okay baby also gave me this viwawa link which looks really cute, so Im off to check it out!


Our Promise (:
8:20 PM

Saturday, June 14

Finally I've found the time to blue tooth these pictures to my sister and post it online!

My dear cute boys, from left:Daniel, Wesley, Brandon and Sheng Yang

The Twins Effect: Gabriel and Nicole
And in the background, you get a tiny peek of my super lame and funny partner

My 2 favourite boys: Darlings Ryan and Terence...On the right is wesley
AND once again, another peek at partner, clearer this time but who the hell is waving that piece of paper??

Same three again...My 3 musketeers( is that how you spell it?)

Joshua placing a straw on his teeth! And in the background you see Gabriel in his own world again, as usual.

2 of the sweetest girls in class.Left is Zoe, quiet and obedient, Right is Abigail, lively and enthusiastic...

Joshua again, wearing a file as his hat. His eye lashes are at least 2cm long!

Band Concert! I didnt turn on Flash so its pretty dark...

Adidas Sundown Marathon! At first only got me, baby and owner, but qiao said that if there are only 3, the middle person(=me la) would disappear, so Yini and simin came into the picture, saving my ass.

Finally, a picture my mom drew of my dad. The resemblance is uncanny!
I tried getting her to draw me but she refused!! Gah.

Went for father's day dinner today at Swensons! And i got a packet of Prince Caspian's Cards wheeeeee
Im off!

Our Promise (:
8:41 PM

Friday, June 13

I love the stars. The way they glimmer and sparkle in the dark sky. Just wish there were more starry nights in Singapore though.

It's been one entire week already.

Believe it or not, Im over it. Or at least, making myself believe that. It's sad how you may be so sad about certain things at the very moment but eventually you will simply forget and you don't even care that you've forgotten once new things enter your life. Thats human nature I suppose.

Father's day is coming soon!

And we're going to Swensons for dinner! Hopefully, we'll win another pair of tickets from their lucky draw HAH.

I wish I had been more productive these days but my concentration span is seriously the limiting factor!! Only managed to do about 7 bio summaries in all. And thats after three weeks? Oh gosh. I'd better buck up. Yet all I can think of is the ways to play in the remaining days of holiday...

Gonna study with part of GC on tuesday. At science centre! I really do hope I'll do constructive work and not be a constant distraction to the rest when they try to study. Oh wells. I've pretty much built up a reputation of being a "not good to study with" mate, because all I ever want to do is to talk or think of things to play. Gah!

Alrights... end of another short post.

Im off.

Our Promise (:
10:47 PM

Monday, June 9

Been reading through my previous entries and noticing how exceptionally gloomy they've become. It was then I decided that the more I blog about how sad I feel, the more these feelings become more real and the sadder I get. Thus, from now on, NO MORE blogging about dvc until I go work there again, or when I remember something funny from there.

Today was pretty unconstructive to tell the truth. I had actually wanted to make full use of this week to study so that I have full reason to not attend dvc for another week. In the end all I did was the summary for cellular functions and enzymes. How pathetic.

No mood to do anything.

Prince Caspian was not bad. In fact for once I didnt have much to complain about a movie made using books as reference. Other than the weird and unnecessary romance between Caspian and Susan. High King Peter was super good looking in the boyish yet arrogant way. I think watching him can make for forget dvc for a moment. Edmund was cute too! But I think the girls were quite a disappointment in terms of looks though. Susan is so.... Well, I don't think she's the type of candy my eye wants to see.

Treated both my mom and my sis to Cafe Cartel using my dvc paycheck, so now im $50 poorer. Not complaining too much though, the food was really not bad. The pork chops were tender and succulent. Yumm. My computer is becoming ill again. It kept getting hanged just now. Drats.

Tired. Although I hardly did anything. Off to bed.

Im off.

Our Promise (:
9:40 PM

Sunday, June 8

Im so sick and tired of emo-ing that I've decided to kope this from my sister and just do this meme thingo for fun. And get my mind off things.

Q1. If your lover betray you, what would your reaction be?

Depends on what sort of betrayal I guess, and whether he is repentant. If he is, I'll be angry for a week, then forgive. If he isnt, well, then goodbye and get out of my life mann.

Q2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

Right now, at this very moment, it would be to repeat my week at dvc as well as to be given permission by my mom to continue working for another week. Maybe, after my feelings for dvc has died down, I'd ask for something else, but now its very much centred on what I've just lost.

Q3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

Um, my sister. But I wouldnt dare to actually. Cant imagine what she would do back to me if I really did that!

Q4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

Wow. A billion dollars! Firstly, I would take about 10 million out for investment, so that all these money would last a longer time. Then maybe, just to share this fortune, I'll donate another 10 million to charity. And I'll probably buy myself a small island, build comfortable houses and stay there with people whom I love. I'll probably bring my family to tour the world in 80 days too!

Q5. Whats your ideal lover like?

Haha! I always have fun describing this. Ideal lover must be humourous, thats really the top of my list since I get bored really easily and I definitely need a person who can entertain me. And a person who understands me well, knows when to talk and when to lend me a listening ear. Someone who is able to tolerate all my flaws and accept all the stupid things I do and the dumb questions I ask. Oh yeah, and must be someone who banters with me too!

Q6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved?

Used to think its loving someone but have sinced changed my mind to being loved.

Q7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

Probably will not wait, unless there are signs that the person likes me back :)

Q8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Nothing. Remain friends and find someone unattached to secretly like.

Q9. Is there anything that had made you extremely happy?

Erm...dvc? The adorable kids, oh-so-funny partner, and sweet like sugar teacher. (Told you I cant stop thinking bout dvc)

Q10. Name the one thing that floats in and out of your mind.

One thing?? Maybe its my mom's nagging words...They usually float in through my right ear into my mind, then float out of my mind through the other ear.

Q11. What takes you down the fastest?

Eh? Don't understand question. Take down to where? Hell? If so, then its probably commiting crimes and then suicide. Sure go to hell.

Q12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?

Pathetic creature trying to make ends meet. Okay, Im kidding. But I cant see myself in ten years time since I really have no idea what I want to do in future. Most likely some math related stuffs, or maybe something that requires interaction with kids?

Q13. Who is currently most important to you?

No idea. I think this person changes every now and then to suit my needs. It all depends on my mood etc.

Q14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

No one. As I said earlier, I got too bored that I koped it from my sister.

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

Married and poor but on one condition-I must really love my husband and vice versa...

Q16. What's the first thing you do every morning?

Look at my clock and wish that I could turn back time.

Q17. Would you give all in a relationship?

nah, Im too pessimistic to do that. But I'll probably just try my best to be understanding...

Q18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

Hmmm...the one I cant do without. If its both...then see who treats me better, and who is more sincere.

Q19. What type of person do you hate?

Bitchy and sucky and irritating people who are scheming and take advantage of others. And think they are so good and all...

Alright. Done.

Went to band's concert yesterday with yiwen, yihui, sheena and we were joined by sherf after dinner. I think being with my friends made me forget dvc momentarily and it took my mind off emo-ing. We ate at some asian teahouse-roasted duck and prawns with bacon. Quite yummy I must say. The concert itself was a little sleep inducing in the first half and I felt that I was being hypnotised to sleep. But the second half was really amusing and entertaining. Mayqi looked super cool and cute doing all those dance actions, albeit being a little stiff.

Baby was so cute too in her band "uniform". We were waving to her from down where we are but she didnt seem to see us.

The concert ended after 2 encores. I was being rather mean by giggling hysterically at the conductor's actions. He seriously looked as though he was dancing! The whole thing ended at around 10 plus? I cant really remember. Then we went to find mayqi and baby to give them flowers. And it was picture time! At one point of time I tried to be a smart alec and stuck my two fingers out when sheena was taking a photo for kejia and sherf. Then the result was that my fingers blocked out the flash! And the pic turned out too dark. Ah wells...so much for my ingenuity.

By the time I reached home it was already around 11.30. I sat down with my bah zhang just in time to see ubez(wadever) score one goal against singapore to beat us after we worked so hard at defence. Ah wells.

I went to bed quite late so I was so tired, I fell asleep almost immediately. But my entire night was plagued with dvc related dreams, so much so that through out the night I drifted in and out of sleep, unclear about whether my dreams were true or not.

No matter though. Time heals all wounds. Im sure that in a few weeks or months time I will look back at this in amusement and wonder why I was so affected by it.

On the bright side, Im meeting munyee next week! Haven seen her for such a very long time!

Ok...Im off.

Regardless of whether I want to or not, I will forget...eventually.

Our Promise (:
7:09 PM

Saturday, June 7

If there's any title suitable to describe my very last day at dvc this june, I'd call it "My poignant experience". No, poignant is too mild a word, and it doesnt fully describe those jumbled up feelings I had. Perhaps "A rollercoaster ride of emotions" would be a better one. Gah, what am I doing thinking up of titles for no apparent reason...

I arrived in rgps in the morning feeling lighthearted, yet there seemed to be a burden on my shoulders. The feeling was undescribable and unbearable. At one point of time, I just wanted the day to pass quickly so that I can get over it as quickly as possible. I threw my bag down in the empty A9 classroom and had a good look at the place where I had such a great time over the past 5 days. And then when I walked back down to the canteen, everything felt so at home with me. I felt as if I had been there for a long long time and I was going to be there for as long as I want, except that it not true-Im not coming back again, at least until december.

How ironic life had been for me. Merely a week ago, I had commented on how the place had seemed so unfriendly and aloof, cold and unhomely. Now, its the exact opposite... I reached the canteen just in time to see Nicole arrive. She complained to me that she was late because her mother didnt want to wake up so early. The rest of the "waiting for the kids to arrive" morning was pretty much a blur, since I was so absorbed in my own world and being emo.

Friday was seriously the funniest of all funny days. I think my partner got so warmed up to the kids that he had no qualms about doing all those weird actions and saying the lamest stuffs to keep us laughing non stop. I laughed til I had a side stitch! During break, my partner and I stayed back in class to cut circles, with Nicole beside us complaining about how slow we're cutting them. Obviously, in this case, the culprit is my partner, who cant cut for nuts!

We finished all the experiments slightly after lunch so that we could practise for our concert item later in the afternoon. Lunch was burgers and baked potatoes, which was the best lunch we've had for days. Making all the props for our skit was the messiest! Like my partner had said, the whole room just turned into 第二世界大战, with them using all the props to fight each other and all. The whole scene was so chaotic and disastrous. My partner devised a way to make spears for them. At first I was quite doubtful that it was going to have any resemblance of a spear at all. Turns out that I neednt have worried. It did look like one. No wonder he's in aero engineering! After helping him with the spears, we compared the first spear made and the last spear made. There was a stark contrast in the quality indeed. Shows exactly how practise makes perfect. Speaking of that, I finally managed to pull the wheezles and start it off without turning it after trying it out today. My partner taught me the technique of doing it in the hall while watching other classes perform. Its really amazing how he manages to get that thing to keep turning and turning nonstop so effortlessly.

Anyway, back track a little. When we were in class before lunch, Ryan came to me and slit a piece of brown cardboard into my pocket.

"Jie jie, you only can read this when you go home okay?" He looked at me so innocently and worried that I would read it now that I immediately promised him that. Unfortunately, I am a rather curious person and when he was not looking, I whipped it out and took a peek. There, on a triangular piece of cardboard were just 6 words that were enough to make me so touched.

"I will miss you, from Ryan"

Especially when it came from him, the act don't care about anybody kind.

The rehearsal for the skit took only 3 tries before time was up. My partner and I just sat on the steps of the stage and watched them practise. Mean old him made so many degrading comments about a certain kid in class which was so funny I just had to laugh even though it was downright mean of him. When we were watching other classes perform later, he even commented that one child looked exactly like a hamburger! The first class performed something to do with 3 little pigs if I remember correctly. There's definitely something about pigs thats all I know. My partner said as a matter of factly, " Aye? 三只小猪啊?奇怪了,为什么你不在上面?"


And then somehow I dunno what led to it, but he was talking about kang kang and laughing until tears came out of his eyes. I was super amused by how he was so super amused by what he said. Zi high this is what I call. Our class's performance was really not bad, considering that we only practiced 3 times and everything was done today. My partner said that they had stage fright.

Then when I was sitting there chatting with my partner, Terence suddenly hugged me from the side and gave me his huge cheeky grin. Oh mann, it was so sweet and cute I just wanted to bring him home there and then. Too soon for my own liking, the whole thing was over and the kids scattered all over the hall and out of the entrance. But that was not before Ryan and Terence both told me that they would never ever forget me. I stared at the back of the leaving kids, watching until they were no longer in sight, with a lump in my throat and unable to speak at that moment.

In a flash, debrief was over. I had my cheque and receipt and I submitted the survey form. I was free to go already, no longer bound to the camp by any contract of sorts. Yet, I didnt want to leave. It was the same as a bird being held captive for too long not wanting to leave its cage even when the door to its cage is open. I wish that I could possess the same mindset as my partner-"Don't know, don't bother" or is it "Don't bother, don't care". Main purpose here is to get his money. Oh wells. Money is one thing, but the joy of working with these kids has a greater lure for me than the dollars.

I walked to the bus stop with my partner. Or rather, he was behind me. We didnt talk since he was on his phone. AND he was speaking english for the longest time I've heard! Still come and say he not used to speaking english. While waiting for my bus, I still felt pretty alright. But when my bus came, and my partner bid me goodbye, I got up the bus and nearly cried in public. The overwhelming feeling of emptiness and knowing that I probably would not ever see these kids and my partner again or interact with them brought up all the hidden emotions within. My pride was all that prevented me from tearing in the bus. The whole journey was a rollercoaster of emotions. I thought back of the funny times I had in the week and laughed. I thought of the angry times I had due to the kids and smiled. Finally, I thought of today as my last day, pictured my partner waving goodbye, saw the kids running off to their parents, rewatched Ryan and Terence telling me that they won't ever forget me, took out that brown cardboard Ryan gave and I was gritting my teeth, willing myself not to cry in public.

I was so listless by the time I reached home that I wondered if my mom would sense anything when I got home. As usual, when she opened the door, I forced a smile as if nothing has affected me, and went straight to bathe. Once the door of my toilet shut, I stopped controlling and just cried on and off. At some point of time, I almost couldnt be sure of whether the water flowing down my cheeks were the shower water, or just tears. It sucks mann. Sometimes I wish I wouldnt be so sentimental over such stuffs and just be immune and MOVE ON. But then again, there would be no joy if that were the case. Yet, ironically, the joy experienced brings you even more pain eventually. Its an agony having to decide between no emotions or feeling happy at first then miserable later when its all over.

Sighs...I hate saying goodbyes no matter how inevitable they are...

Im off...to emo some more.

Our Promise (:
10:28 AM

Thursday, June 5

This morning's incident left me feeling rather guilty. The day before, I promised Nicole that I would turn up early today so that she can play with me. Instead of being early, I ended up being later than usual. She looked rather unpleased with me for that. The surprising thing was, my "always late" partner actually came earlier than me! We went to check on A9 blue's crystal garden early in the morning and it turns out that theirs were growing way better than ours!

The trip to the airforce museum was uneventful and I simply lazed in the bus, humouring whatever kids who came to talk to me. The museum was a bit of a disappointment to me though, since I was expecting more hands-on things there. Once again, we divided the kids into groups and each one of us took a group of the kids around. Thankfully, mine were rather well behaved this time and they didnt run about too much. My partner commented (rather unrealistically) that the mess the children can make is equivalent to the destruction caused by 4 atomic bombs. I scoffed at that.

We got ticked off by the person in charge for letting the children eat in the museum. Before watching a 10 minute clip on the air force, he gave us a stern warning that we were not to let the children eat there for future visits to the museum. Wesley and Nicole both argued over who was to sit with me on the journey back. I felt like some kind of toy being torn apart by who kids who want the same toy and refuse to share. I was really quite tired of having my fate decided by them and not being able to choose where I want to sit at, like my partner. In the end, Nicole won and I sat with her.

Lunch was fried rice with 2 drum sticks. I got an extra 2 and gave 1 to my partner. Through out lunch, ryan and terrence were both complaining about our camp commander not allowing them to play without eating. They looked so adorable pouting away! Apparently 3 drumsticks wasnt enough for my partner and he set off to take his second packet of rice with another 2 drummies, which led me to whisper to Ryan that gor gor is like a dinosaur since he eats so much. Immediately, that sparked off a series of insults aimed at my partner about how fat he was, how bad he was, how he is all the bad things in the world. I really must take my hat for him for being totally unfazed by all these insults hurled at him and he continued eating like nobody's business.

Then, when the kids could no longer take his nonchalance, they quipped, "Gor gor, why you no reaction one?" My partner then said as a matter of factly, "Its not true so why should I react?"

The rest of the day was spent sitting at the back of the class with my partner cutting out dimensions for the kids. And that was when I realised the full extent of his lameness. Seriously, I was laughing so hard at some point that I got afraid that it'd morph into some uncontrollable fit of giggles which would really embarrass me to the core. I was trying my very best to rack up something to insult him with, but in the end it always didnt manage to do so.

At one instant, he made a comment which I only heard after making him repeat him statement several times either due to me being slightly deaf or just him being unclear with his speech. I would like to think it was the latter though. Then I went "Ya..." and paused in the midst of my cutting, the clockwork in my brain working to digest what he said. Then my brain told him to reject his comment and rebut it. So, obediently, I was just about to do so when he suddenly said mainly in chinese, "You dont have to keep stopping you know. You can always cut first then rebut. I know you everytime say Ya, then you will stop and think "Ay? Actually what he say is not correct leh" and then start to rebut de." I was so stunned, I forgot what my rebuttal was. In any case, at least I'm doing something useful by rebuttal. Ducro is always telling us to practise our rebuttals anyway...

Later on during the folding of some air planes, my partner commented that one part of the plane is quite useless since it obstructs the flying due to some V theory and I was listening intently until he muttered something under his breath. Then silence.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked in chinese (duh).

I broke off from my part daydreaming. "Huh? What did you say..."

"Never mind since you missed it I shant repeat it."

And obviously, that made me curious and I bugged him until he finally repeated it. " Wo shuo...Zhe ge bu fen qi shi shi duo yu de...because of the V theory. Useless. Gen ne de zuo yong cha bu duo yi yang..."

Ugh! And then he was smiling and looking pleased with himself. Sometimes I wonder if he feels obliged to suan everyone around. He keeps saying our generation's chinese is "孙先生坐在船上" which means 逊!

Sighs. Time really flies when you're enjoying yourself. Tomorrow would be my last and final day at dvc. Once again, Im filled with dread at being forced to study from now on and not being able to do things I like to do. When Im at rgps, I feel so carefree and worryless and detached from any bit of studying. Sighs and I will certainly miss them loads, including miss chua and my qian bian partner too. She's a really nice teacher mann.

Okay Im done for the moment.

Im off.

Our Promise (:
7:10 PM

Wednesday, June 4

Oh mann. Its already Wednesday! Time is passing so quickly but I really don't want this week to pass at all. Im liking the kids more and more and enjoyable dvc so much that I don't want to stop. It makes me feel as if there is a purpose in my life. Im being useful by being there for the kids when they need me, helping them and talking to them or playing with them. 2 more days left with these adorable kids...

The worst part of the day is the start of everything, before I get warmed up to talking to the kids and opening my mouth to speak. Early mornings are horrid because I will simply end up sitting alone at A9 bench and stoning(which is conserving energy!). This morning wasnt so bad since I was joined by dear Nicole soon after my arrival. She sat with me and we both chatted together until the other children plus my partner came.

Today's experiments were a lot more fun and they really tested the children's creativity. I must admit that these children certainly had way more creative juices than I ever had! I had so much fun looking at all the stuffs they did. My partner even commented that it seemed like I was having more fun than the kids! But after a while he also went round looking at all those stuffs they did.

The wheezles(however you spell it) experiment was damn fun! But it was irritating to the max as well. Somehow my partner managed to get that thing to work and he attempted to teach me too. But no matter how hard I tried, it still didnt work for me! I got so exasperated that I made my partner repeat what he did so that I could observe closely. Then Nicole came up and wanted to see what he was doing. So he tried to teach her too. And it didnt work for her either! We were both bugging him for the trick to that experiment when he did something totally out of character! I never ever expected him to do that mann!

My partner placed the wheezle thing down on the table, then did some act cool slick hand actions copying americans and said in a mock british accent, "So easy!" Nicole's jaw practically fell open at his comment. I totally burst out laughing like mad. Even my partner seemed amused by himself and nicole's reaction too. The next few minutes were spent watching nicole frantically persuading my partner to repeat his action so that she could record it down in her phone. Obviously, he refused to do so but he made some weird actions instead.

I used to think that my previous dvc partner was bad enough since he kept niao-ing me non stop but this new partner is worse! The thing is, I cant niao him back! Gah. And it's quite clear to me that he is deliberately saying all those stuffs to piss me off! Except that Im not really pissed, more like amused at all the different ways he can make me completely speechless. Oh, not only speechless but dumb too.

Oh, and he made me feel like a kid under his wing too. In the midst of one experiment, he gave me 3 toothpicks and told me to form 3 equal triangles with it. Then he went to carry out the experiment and told me to "man4 man4 qu4 wan2 ba" ...

Like I was some kind of kid to pacify and keep me occupied so that I wont disturb him! Haha, but the challenge set did get me excited though. Im in fact really no much different from the kids in class. Perhaps that is why I, like most of the kids, cannot understand half of whatever he says.

When I was asking him about army stuffs he told me some chinese term which I didnt understand. So I was like huh? Then he said it in english, and clearly me with my limited knowledge didnt know either. So I stared at him blankly and huh-ed again. To which he gave a long exaggerated sigh and then said he only can speak english and chinese, malay and tamil he cant speak...gah!

Hmmm, but even though I was quite exasperated by him(and him me i think) somehow he feels just like what an older brother would be. Because even though I think he got quite tired of answering my endless simplest basic questions about experiments, he will still eventually explain it to me.


Sigh...there are so much stuffs I want to say but things are really hard to put into words. If only there is a way to simply locked up all the events which happened and then view it again when I feel like it.

Gabriel gave me a blue slip of paper with a drawing of a fist clenched in a GOOD! action. Seriously, his drawing is superb for a 9 year old. This kid has clear potential in drawing as well as science. The day before he actually called me to his table and showed me a drawing of some machines used for recycling glass. Then he actually explained to me the machanisms and how glass can be recycled! I was awestruck by him totally.

Okay...enough with gushing over him. Its late...

Im off!

Our Promise (:
10:01 PM

Tuesday, June 3

Today wasnt as tiring as yesterday-I think yesterday was so tiring because I was suffering from the effects of saturday's sleepless sundown marathon.

As usual, I was early to reach again. The one bad thing about being the only one from my class there is that I have nobody to talk to when Im there early in the morning. So I just sit at the bench, pretending to be occupied by my handphone, bag, etc. I even made an unnecessary trip to the toilet!

Then finally my teacher came. And soon after the children and my partner came. The trip to the botanical garden was, truth to be told, a really boring one. I didnt care for all the flowers and trees and stuffs at all. Besides, I didnt know anything about them. So all I did was to yell at the kids, "Okay, move along! Walk faster!! Don't walk there!"

I cant really remember much about the trip but I did realise that by the time we got onto the mini van on our way back, I was already given several nicknames by them. Some called me Abalone(common and expected since i get that from my school mates last time too), exterminator (This one is seriously surprising. I didnt think I look any bit like a person who can exterminate others...hmmm) as well as umbrella jie jie(since I keep helping them hold their umbrellas) and thermometer(I dunno how the hell did this name come about! Seriously no link at all!)

When we got back to rgps, You Xiang(my partner's name) told me that Nurul lost my umbrella because she left it in the bus! I dont blame her, since kids can be really careless and I understand that perfectly, but I cant help feeling worried about what will happen if it rains on my way home. Lunch was terrible. Just weird lumps of rice with one measly piece of chicken and a slice of cucumber. Okay but at least it was better than last year's food. I think.

After lunch I began wandering around again, wondering(You notice that when I start wandering around, my mind will wonder about stuffs too) whether I should go to the playground and help them turn the playground thing again. Then I spotted Nicole( Gabriel and Nicole are twins!!) and she told me she was bored with playing at the playground, so I suggested going to play basketball. It was definitely a right choice mann. Even though the ball and floor was all wet and yucky, but it was the most fun break I've had so far! We tried all sorts of angles to shoot the ball into and then tried to shoot from far. The far shots mostly failed though. We don't have enough arm strength.

My partner joined us for a while. He's so tall (1.82cm!) he could even do a slam dunk! But I think after a while he kinda got bored and just left for the playground...maybe to help them turn that thing? Haha. Soon after, we were joined by a few guys and a girl. So we split into two groups-girls team and boys team. Mind you, there are only three girls compared to about 5, 6 boys. But at the end of the "match", the girls team won 8-3, with me and nicole scoring the 8 shots. Eventually near the end, because the girl's team was winning by such a large margin, a few boys actually said they wanted to join the girl's team instead! LOL.

I was so tired after running up and down the basket ball court that I simply just sat at the back of the class, exhausted. As usual, the experiments revealed to a large extent of my limited knowledge to my partner, who was at times so exasperated that he asked(in chinese), "你在学校是读什么的?" To which I replied, BCME. And then he just stared at me for a few seconds..."Then 这个你都不懂?"

Wahaha...yeah I know my science sucks. My partner practically had to explain every single simplest thing to me. I even had to bite my own tongue sometimes to refrain from asking those questions that would possibly cause him to vomit blood. At times I really think he was utterly disgusted by my ignorance in practically everything. Then there was an instance whereby I was saying some stuffs about borders to kenneth and he was just standing beside me, silently listening and observing. All of a sudden, he just laughed, took a paper or something and smacked me lightly on my arm saying, "你讲什么屁la! hahaha" and then he walked away, leaving me slightly puzzled, because I thought what I was saying made perfect sense to me.

After tea I got so sian of climbing up the stairs that I talked Nicole into taking the lift up to the third floor with me. At first she appeared rather excited. Then when we were in the lift she got so worried about being spotted taking the lift and kept muttering about how she's in deep trouble. Oops. My fault heehee.

The art and crafts part was boring though. I just walked about doing nothing much in particular. Then soon(too soon actually) the day was over. And I kinda left in a hurry since it was beginning to drizzle, like I had expected, and I didnt want to get caught in the middle of the rain without any umbrella(since the kid lost mine). In fact, I ran all the way to the bus stop so that I wont get drenched. In the end, I didnt have to run since it continued to drizzle without the rain getting heavier. Gah. Heaven playing trick on me mann. I bet I must have looked so stupid running all the way to the bus stop as though chasing after some bus but in the end just plonking down on the seat and watching the bus(not my bus) leave.

Oh wells...Im looking forward to another day at dvc! And I seriously don't want it to end so fast! :(

Im Off!

Our Promise (:
6:47 PM

Monday, June 2

The dreaded day has finally passed. Well, almost. Woke up this morning with a heavy heart. While having breakfast I checked my horoscope.

It says: If things seem to be going badly for you, just keep pushing. Perseverance is the key to success right now. Your optimism might be your most important trait, so work it until things work out.

And I felt even worse. Being a believer of such stuffs despite my constant scoffings at its untrueness, it was obviously telling me that the day was going to start out bad. I didnt even think I had a good night's sleep due to uncalled for worries.

I reached NJ bus stop at around 7.20, much earlier than I had expected and hoped for. Started to think of what the hell am I going to do when I get to rgps. With the intention of passing as much time as possible so as not to reach the place so early, I strolled leisurely, even pausing to look at NJ sign boards along the path. I was close to inspecting the leaves of the tree of grass on the floor too! But somehow I managed to refrain myself possibly due to a hidden optimism in me that maybe there are other early birds too who can talk to me and keep me entertained. (There you go-the optimism part of my horoscope.)

Despite all these measures and "precautions", I still reached rgps super early. The surprising thing was, I may have supposedly slowed down considerably but I reached the place in a mere 10 minutes! So at 7.40, I wandered around the place wondering what to do to pass time. Eventually I ended up in my classroom. There was nobody. I plonked my bag down on the nearest chair, turned on the lights and started talking to myself.

So here is an example of the conversation I had with myself. Lets assume that I have 2 voices-Abe 1 and Abe 2.

In class:
Abe 1: Oh...so nobody's here yet.
Abe 2: Yeah its so early, what do you expect?
Abe 1: Okay since Im early, why don't I do something useful?
Abe 2: Like what? I feel so lazy... and tired

I decided to just give out whatever files there are and put them on the tables so that we wouldnt have to give them out later. Save the teacher and myself trouble, I thought.

At 8:
Abe 1: hey im bored to tears. Where is my teacher and the other camp leader??
Abe 2: Well who knows? they might appear really soon...
Abe1: Okay so what shall I do...
Abe 2: Hmmm lets do some exploring then!
Abe 1: Where?
Abe 2: How bout the classroom?
Abe 1: Oh, right. How fun.

About 15 minutes later, nobody had arrived at the class yet and Abe 1 was already close to turning into a stone already. The optimistic Abe 2 had inspected the whole class and would probably know where the tiniest ants were staying in their ant holes by now.

Abe 1: Okay its 8.30? The classrooms around are all empty... Am I at the correct place?
Abe 2: Eh... I think I remember someone saying we have to go down to wait for the kids!
Abe 1: Rightttt...you tell me only now.
Abe 2: Hey! We're the same person okay!
Abe 1: Gah.

Went down to the canteen and finally saw my teacher. Still totally clueless about who my partner is though. Eventually, after some "Oh YA pei ya soh" game, it was decided that this uni guy (I cant remember his name) was my partner. Oh, it was the same guy who helped me last friday. Looks like his help didnt go to waste after all.

Miss Chua(my teacher) was really good with the kids. The day went almost exactly like the first day of dvc at Tao nan. I hardly spoke to my partner much but I built rapport with some of the kids though. They were so adorable! I think I could pretty much remember at least 20 of them. The remaining 6...well I guess there are still 4 more days to get to know them.

The experiments today made me feel like a total noob. When I confessed to my partner that I don't think I would know the answers if I hadnt read the book, he gave me a "diao" look and started to explain the logic behind it to me. I guess all these are ABC to him, considering he is a uni student and is studying some aero engineering or something. I think by the end of the day he must be thinking Im some kind of clueless idiot who is worse off then those kids. Ah wells!

I was so tired at the end of the day that I could hardly even drag myself to the bus stop.

All in all, I think it eventually turned out to be a quite alright day after all. Although for once, I feel young when surrounded by uni camp leaders.

Alright, gotta stop since my sister is egging me to finish up so that she can use the comp.


Our Promise (:
6:42 PM

Sunday, June 1

Gosh. Yesterday felt like it was the longest day ever. Went for the sundown marathon at changi beach area. It was pretty fun actually. Dinner was at 5 plus, some rice with chicken and broccoli. Then we slacked around for a while before getting deployed to this turning point area in a van. Felt like we were being kidnapped since we were made to crawl into the mini van and sit on the floor in darkness while being shipped to our designated place.

We were all kidding around with the people fetching us there and this woman sitting in front even joked about how we were about to be sold for $2000. For that we were indignant and there was an immediate uproar. What?? We're surely not only worth 2000 right?

Our first deployment area was pretty fei actually. All we did were to stand there and watch the runners go by us. Then later we had our second deployment. We were divided into 2 groups and our group had to go to the bridge area to remember numbers of the runners who were coming in. We got damn high after a while, cheering the runners on. 0301 was so fast! He had a rather large headstart at 42km and was the first to come in for the whole 84km run too! AND he didnt look as though he was tired at all. 0226 actually told us that he would be back in 4 hours time, but we waited and waited and he still didnt come. So we left before cheering him to the finish line. Oh wells.

We managed to play a few games of bridge after all! Haha. We went home at around 7 plus and by the time I reached amk, I was already like a walking zombie. Almost delirious already actually.

AND i still had to go for tuition, which was hell. I could hardly open my eyes, much less think! What's more we were doing vectors! Gah.

Alright. Im off.

Our Promise (:
8:10 PM

Thursday, May 29

Woke up this morning with a sense of dread and Sian-ness. I so didnt want to go to RGPS so early in the morning to attend some weird training session that they didnt even inform me about. But thee was this twinge of excitement too-at seeing some gc members again after so long...(Its actually only 5 days but to me its like eternity?)

As usual, I was late again despite the countless number of reminders by my owner to be punctual or she'll "spank me". I even ran all the way across the overhead bridge when she started to laugh and say she was only joking! And you tell me that ONLY after I ran across huh? Tsk tsk. But then this short run made me realise how unfit I've become. Just the short distance of an OVERHEAD BRIDGE is enough to get me panting so much. Oh dear...

It turns out that the training session is only for those who have never attended the camp before. But its okay, we dont mind accompanying yiwen! Left the training session feeling quite apprehensive and heavy hearted. I dunno why but the school just feels so foreign and cold and aloof...nothing like the homeliness of Tao Nan campus at all. I didnt feel at ease with the place and I just started to feel that I really do miss the Tao nan campus actually and the kids there...Maybe at the end of the year I'll opt back to TN even though its really further from my home.

I felt so frustrated and lost at this place. And Im really worried about my ability to adapt to this new school. Its scaring me and I felt so so troubled. But what started off to be a bad day actually took a turn from this point on.

I went with yiwen for lunch at the bus stop "opposite Bukit Timah Plaza". Okay we didnt exactly have lunch at a bus stop but rather the hawker centre near the bus stop. After weaving around the place we finally decided to eat duck rice. Personally I thought the food tasted okay, but the fussy food critic with me simply had to take one tiny sip of soup to immediately proclaim it not up to standards. And then another mouth of rice got her on about how they cooked the rice too soggy and the rice grains were not firm enough. I was awed. Wow, here is a potential food critic!

As usual, I was being my slow self and was once again eating at snail-pace speed. Thankfully, I have a nice and patient owner who was ever so willing to wait for me to finish up 2 or 3 mouthful of rice.(FYI: Others take 2 minutes to eat 2 mouths of rice...I take...20 minutes...)

Of course, I was not entirely at fault for being so slow. Yiwen was distracting me with her stories in RV and obviously, being the talkative little me, I was incessantly trying to match her storytelling prowess by telling her my own sec sch stories too. So it was pure exchange of information and some little bitching around...Its simply just chatting, but I feel like I was having the time of my life already! And there I was, at the start of the day, still worrying about how much fun 2 people can have.

I think I enjoyed the chatting so much that I continued to just sit there even after finishing my food(a miracle!) Then we finally left to scour bk plaza for the pool place. After treking through this weatherbeaten path under the hot sun, we eventually reached our destination. The cool air of the plaza was so welcoming I tell you. Especially since the aroma of Nasi Lemak greeted us at the entrance too.

But when we saw the pool place...I think we didnt really dare to enter. All guys! And rowdy looking ones too! So we decided on going to JE to pool instead. Pool was so fun!! Especially since I've been deprived of it for ages already! We played 4 games in total, with me winning the first 2 and yiwen winning the other two. I must say that the "stipes" balls are jinxed man! Whoever gets solid wins! LOL. Some balls just refused to drop into the hole! AND me and yiwen were "treated" to some free show going on at the table nearby too. Gosh, cant they get a room or something? Instead of kissing each other so intimately in public! Or at least squat down so that the table can block them from our view mah...

Yeah so after 4 fun games and lots of super nice shots and unbelievable shots too, we finally left the pool place with much reluctance. Then we went to the science centre to explore about! The shop there simply holds so many interesting stuffs! And there's this invisible ink thing that sounds just so cool! If I had already gone for dvc and well equipped with cash, there's a high possibility that I'll buy down half the stall's things!

The weather was to blame for the short time we spent there. If it wasnt so hot I guess we would have stayed out to play those stuffs longer! I thought the dinosaur was damn cool though! If only it moved about more... We savoured Mc flurry at macs too. And then we left after sitting around macs for some time. Thanks yiwen for walking me all the way to the mrt station! Haha...

And then it was a long and dreary journey back home again.....*its a long long journey....*

Yeah..tomorrow I have to go for the dvc setting up of camp again. Oh wells...

Im off.

Our Promise (:
7:26 PM

Tuesday, May 27

01. Something you wish didn't happen?

Yeah loads of times. Sometimes I wish half my life didnt happen but yet there are times Im grateful for whatever happened. Im weird. Bite me.

02. How do you feel now?

Bored of life and the holidays and just wish something exciting can pop up in this very mundane life of mine.

03. If you can fulfill one wish , what would it be?

Simple-I wanna be happy. Just give me whatever will make me happy, which Im not even sure of.

04. What are you doing now?

Being moody and stoning in front of the comp, doing these 20 questions which I koped from Renyue.

05. Important wishes for now?

Just to be happy, and for the people around me to be too.

06. If you can turn something in the past back , what would it be?

Too many. So many wrong decisions and things I did to hurt others. Then again, there's no point turning them. Without them, I probably wouldnt be who I am now. Nothing good of course, but at least I've learnt to be more careful with words and stuffs.

07. Do you love yourself?

Plain no. They say that the most important thing is to love yourself, but I cant seem to find anything worth loving about myself. Maybe with time I will, and I shall work towards it, but for now, nope.

08.What makes you happy?

Being with people who matters to me and to whom I matter. Indulging in good food and watching dvds with my sister. Playing pool, bridge, mahjong etc...Seeing my family being happy together and going on mini family outings to weird places like changi airport or pulau ubin.

09.What do you wanna change in you?

The lack of confidence plus laidback nature. I needa become more hardworking!! Especially with the nearing of my A levels. And to learn to place others before self. Thats gonna be hard I know...

10. What do you want most now, this instant?

I want ice cream and go overseas to have fun!

11.What type of person you like most ?

Funny and humourous. A person who knows when to speak and when to let you speak. Someone who really pays attention to what you have to say instead of merely just impatiently waiting for you to finish talking so that they can start talking about themselves again.

12. Are there anything you wish to confess now?

Haha! If there's anything I wanna confess I wouldnt do it here. I'd most probably confess directly to the party in question.

13. What is your definition of a dream house?

A huge spacious home surrounded by a mini moat. A glass ceiling to enable me to see the stars and moon at night. Wooden floorings to give my house a homely feel. A soft comfortable bed in a cosy room with a fireplace. But most importantly, there must be people I love living with me in this house.

14. Who will you go to when you are feeling low one day?

No one actually. I'll just keep them to myselves most of the time. Maybe I'll find my sister, but just to disturb her and get myself to stop thinking.

15.What do you hope to achieve?

Get 4 As for A levels (Short term goal)... but more importantly, after I graduate, to find a job which I truly enjoy.

16. What age do you wish to marry?

Well, someone read my palm and said that I had to get married by 26 or I never will. So based on that, I'll set the age to be 26. If by 26 Im still single, then you guys probably know that I'll remain an old maid for life. Sounds quite likely actually.

17. who do you miss most currently?

I dunno. A lot of people actually. Mostly my classmates...? And a few other non classmates...hmmmm

18.How many people made you angry for the past few days?

Didnt count. But I made myself angry too! Cant remember the reason though.

19. who will you kill after this survey?

Uh no one?

20.Do you think you're a bitch?

Haha! Of course not! Although I do bitch about people sometimes but they're nothing serious...

Okay done!

Our Promise (:
8:31 PM