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Thursday, May 29

Woke up this morning with a sense of dread and Sian-ness. I so didnt want to go to RGPS so early in the morning to attend some weird training session that they didnt even inform me about. But thee was this twinge of excitement too-at seeing some gc members again after so long...(Its actually only 5 days but to me its like eternity?)

As usual, I was late again despite the countless number of reminders by my owner to be punctual or she'll "spank me". I even ran all the way across the overhead bridge when she started to laugh and say she was only joking! And you tell me that ONLY after I ran across huh? Tsk tsk. But then this short run made me realise how unfit I've become. Just the short distance of an OVERHEAD BRIDGE is enough to get me panting so much. Oh dear...

It turns out that the training session is only for those who have never attended the camp before. But its okay, we dont mind accompanying yiwen! Left the training session feeling quite apprehensive and heavy hearted. I dunno why but the school just feels so foreign and cold and aloof...nothing like the homeliness of Tao Nan campus at all. I didnt feel at ease with the place and I just started to feel that I really do miss the Tao nan campus actually and the kids there...Maybe at the end of the year I'll opt back to TN even though its really further from my home.

I felt so frustrated and lost at this place. And Im really worried about my ability to adapt to this new school. Its scaring me and I felt so so troubled. But what started off to be a bad day actually took a turn from this point on.

I went with yiwen for lunch at the bus stop "opposite Bukit Timah Plaza". Okay we didnt exactly have lunch at a bus stop but rather the hawker centre near the bus stop. After weaving around the place we finally decided to eat duck rice. Personally I thought the food tasted okay, but the fussy food critic with me simply had to take one tiny sip of soup to immediately proclaim it not up to standards. And then another mouth of rice got her on about how they cooked the rice too soggy and the rice grains were not firm enough. I was awed. Wow, here is a potential food critic!

As usual, I was being my slow self and was once again eating at snail-pace speed. Thankfully, I have a nice and patient owner who was ever so willing to wait for me to finish up 2 or 3 mouthful of rice.(FYI: Others take 2 minutes to eat 2 mouths of rice...I take...20 minutes...)

Of course, I was not entirely at fault for being so slow. Yiwen was distracting me with her stories in RV and obviously, being the talkative little me, I was incessantly trying to match her storytelling prowess by telling her my own sec sch stories too. So it was pure exchange of information and some little bitching around...Its simply just chatting, but I feel like I was having the time of my life already! And there I was, at the start of the day, still worrying about how much fun 2 people can have.

I think I enjoyed the chatting so much that I continued to just sit there even after finishing my food(a miracle!) Then we finally left to scour bk plaza for the pool place. After treking through this weatherbeaten path under the hot sun, we eventually reached our destination. The cool air of the plaza was so welcoming I tell you. Especially since the aroma of Nasi Lemak greeted us at the entrance too.

But when we saw the pool place...I think we didnt really dare to enter. All guys! And rowdy looking ones too! So we decided on going to JE to pool instead. Pool was so fun!! Especially since I've been deprived of it for ages already! We played 4 games in total, with me winning the first 2 and yiwen winning the other two. I must say that the "stipes" balls are jinxed man! Whoever gets solid wins! LOL. Some balls just refused to drop into the hole! AND me and yiwen were "treated" to some free show going on at the table nearby too. Gosh, cant they get a room or something? Instead of kissing each other so intimately in public! Or at least squat down so that the table can block them from our view mah...

Yeah so after 4 fun games and lots of super nice shots and unbelievable shots too, we finally left the pool place with much reluctance. Then we went to the science centre to explore about! The shop there simply holds so many interesting stuffs! And there's this invisible ink thing that sounds just so cool! If I had already gone for dvc and well equipped with cash, there's a high possibility that I'll buy down half the stall's things!

The weather was to blame for the short time we spent there. If it wasnt so hot I guess we would have stayed out to play those stuffs longer! I thought the dinosaur was damn cool though! If only it moved about more... We savoured Mc flurry at macs too. And then we left after sitting around macs for some time. Thanks yiwen for walking me all the way to the mrt station! Haha...

And then it was a long and dreary journey back home again.....*its a long long journey....*

Yeah..tomorrow I have to go for the dvc setting up of camp again. Oh wells...

Im off.

Our Promise (:
7:26 PM

Tuesday, May 27

01. Something you wish didn't happen?

Yeah loads of times. Sometimes I wish half my life didnt happen but yet there are times Im grateful for whatever happened. Im weird. Bite me.

02. How do you feel now?

Bored of life and the holidays and just wish something exciting can pop up in this very mundane life of mine.

03. If you can fulfill one wish , what would it be?

Simple-I wanna be happy. Just give me whatever will make me happy, which Im not even sure of.

04. What are you doing now?

Being moody and stoning in front of the comp, doing these 20 questions which I koped from Renyue.

05. Important wishes for now?

Just to be happy, and for the people around me to be too.

06. If you can turn something in the past back , what would it be?

Too many. So many wrong decisions and things I did to hurt others. Then again, there's no point turning them. Without them, I probably wouldnt be who I am now. Nothing good of course, but at least I've learnt to be more careful with words and stuffs.

07. Do you love yourself?

Plain no. They say that the most important thing is to love yourself, but I cant seem to find anything worth loving about myself. Maybe with time I will, and I shall work towards it, but for now, nope.

08.What makes you happy?

Being with people who matters to me and to whom I matter. Indulging in good food and watching dvds with my sister. Playing pool, bridge, mahjong etc...Seeing my family being happy together and going on mini family outings to weird places like changi airport or pulau ubin.

09.What do you wanna change in you?

The lack of confidence plus laidback nature. I needa become more hardworking!! Especially with the nearing of my A levels. And to learn to place others before self. Thats gonna be hard I know...

10. What do you want most now, this instant?

I want ice cream and go overseas to have fun!

11.What type of person you like most ?

Funny and humourous. A person who knows when to speak and when to let you speak. Someone who really pays attention to what you have to say instead of merely just impatiently waiting for you to finish talking so that they can start talking about themselves again.

12. Are there anything you wish to confess now?

Haha! If there's anything I wanna confess I wouldnt do it here. I'd most probably confess directly to the party in question.

13. What is your definition of a dream house?

A huge spacious home surrounded by a mini moat. A glass ceiling to enable me to see the stars and moon at night. Wooden floorings to give my house a homely feel. A soft comfortable bed in a cosy room with a fireplace. But most importantly, there must be people I love living with me in this house.

14. Who will you go to when you are feeling low one day?

No one actually. I'll just keep them to myselves most of the time. Maybe I'll find my sister, but just to disturb her and get myself to stop thinking.

15.What do you hope to achieve?

Get 4 As for A levels (Short term goal)... but more importantly, after I graduate, to find a job which I truly enjoy.

16. What age do you wish to marry?

Well, someone read my palm and said that I had to get married by 26 or I never will. So based on that, I'll set the age to be 26. If by 26 Im still single, then you guys probably know that I'll remain an old maid for life. Sounds quite likely actually.

17. who do you miss most currently?

I dunno. A lot of people actually. Mostly my classmates...? And a few other non classmates...hmmmm

18.How many people made you angry for the past few days?

Didnt count. But I made myself angry too! Cant remember the reason though.

19. who will you kill after this survey?

Uh no one?

20.Do you think you're a bitch?

Haha! Of course not! Although I do bitch about people sometimes but they're nothing serious...

Okay done!

Our Promise (:
8:31 PM

Monday, May 26

Once upon a time, there lived a girl. She was neither pretty nor intelligent, but just a very average girl. Although she had no exceptional qualities, she had everything a person could ask for. Riches, a nice family, friends, a nice big house to live in. Yet she was not happy. She wanted to be pretty and talented and be the envy of others.

One day, she met a man smoking outside her house. The man called out to her and asked, "I have a bargain for you." There was something mysterious about this person that she couldnt place her fingers on. Perhaps it was the confident aura which the man emitted, she felt inclined to answer even though her parents had always taught her never to speak to strangers.

"What bargain?" She asked, unable to resist.

The man smiled a knowing smile, "I know what you want, and I can give it to you with no strings attached."

"Really?" The girl was unable to believe her ears, but she knew there was no free lunch in this practical world and she began to get wary of the man, which was a good thing because this man was, in actual fact, the devil himself.


I really don't know what made me write that. It just came into my mind and being bored out of my wits at home, I just wrote whatever came to my mind...

I hate staying at home.

Im off.

Our Promise (:
8:42 PM

Sunday, May 25

I realised that I didnt really blog about the last day of term 2.

It was a relatively enjoyable day though I personally felt sad at not being able to see my friends and laugh with them and just be there with them, enjoying their presence in my life. It was a rather bittersweet feeling. Imagine 3 or 4 months down the road, the feeling will be no doubt stronger by leaps and bounds. Im feeling nostalgic now, I have no idea why. I may not love my school but I do love my friends around me. Its really hard to imagine the days knowing that I wont see them so often again. No more chatting during lessons, no more jokes during GP classes, no more bridge in between lessons, no more weird but cute drawings on my worksheets...Oh dear. I don't want them to become the past. I just wanna keep them in present for life.

The last day of school was one of the most fun days of school, in terms of what the teachers did, not what we did. During maths lesson, mr song play Bingo! with us, as well as win lose or draw. The prizes were lollipops. Bingo was fun, for a short period of time. The thrill of the game is in the element of surprise and when you win. I didnt think the lollipops were very much sought after-we just liked the feeling of winning.

The talk of the day(for us CO2 peeps) was that even dear mr ducro decided that the last day of school was a day to have fun and not lessons and thus decided to let us play a game of Taboo! Surprise surprise! His excellency immediately muttered under his breath that if he had known ducro was so magnanimous on that day, he would have skipped GP. My sentiments exactly! Our tutor should feel honoured that he was the reason for our existence in school on that fateful friday.

Sadly though, the lesson didnt really end off on a high note, since ducro delved into uni entrances in the last few minutes of the lesson. He practically burst my bubble when he spoke of how difficult it was to get into Business And Accountancy Faculty in the local universities. And there I was, naively thinking that the hard to get in courses were just Medicine, Law and Business. It totally dampened my mood and now I've gotta come up with a back up plan, should I fail to meet the criteria of my "dream course". Sighs.

Im gonna have to work much much harder now. I dont want to but I have to. No choice, I dont want to regret again next year.

Anyway, after school, GC members went to Seoul Garden for lunch! We ate until our cute little tummies became all bloated with food before we left the restaurant. And then we went to esplanade library! Oh Oh Oh, on the way there we saw 4 totally adorable kittens with their mom! Me and dear yiwen nearly went nuts meowing the whole place down. If it werent for the sun burning down the back of our necks I bet that we would have stayed there playing with the kittens for a longer time.

I fell asleep in the library while the rest went to look for scores. And my position was ultimate. I was sleeping directly under the sign which says: "Sleep at home, not in the library"

OOPS. Too bad :P

But it was a nice place to sleep, frankly speaking. There was faint music coming from the piano practise room and i think the pianist was pretty good! So I had a nice sleep.

A few of us met online again for our bridge session! I cant believe how addicted I am to it. Its quite scary lor, the addiction. Im not good at the game, but i like the way you play the game with strategies and all. Oh wells.

I'd rather go back to school, all of a sudden. Its like Im living everyday feeling burdened by the lack of time to do this and that and I don't know what to do and what to study. I know I should study but my heart just wants to play! Im so frustrated by everything now!! Ughhh

Forget it. No point complaining now.

Im off.

Our Promise (:
10:07 PM

Friday, May 23

Yessssss Holidays are here finally.

A few things to comment on before I start to plan out whatever I want to do during the June holidays.

First up:

Common Test.

GP: Neutral. Im absolutely clueless about how I did for it. Its probably not going to be good, but at least i don't think I will fail that badly la.

Econs: Gosh. Econs was damn disappointing. I used to be able to get at least a B for case study for last year's CT plus Promos. But this time round....sigh, case study definitely cant help me...What can I say?

Maths: Even more disappointing. My best subject but yet Im not even sure of a pass! Dear me. I really think Im taking maths for granted....

Chemistry: No need to say much. Immediate failure.

Bio: I didnt really study for it due to an ultra high fever over the weekends. It hit 40.6 degrees! I nearly fainted when I saw that. Straight away I thought of Ah Wang and I was praying that I wont end up like him. So ya, I didnt get to study much and since Bio is a content based subject, you can guess how I did.

At least I spotted the correct question for Bio SPA. So when I saw the question, I had this really weird wide smile plastered on my face. And when the timer started I just vomited out whatever I remembered from the template. Never knew I could ever write 3 entire pieces of paper filled with words within an hour before!

Anyway, I got selected for DVC! week 2...Oh wells. Im kinda worried over my academics but then again, even if Im not selected, what makes me think that I will definitely do constructive stuffs? Better to go for dvc and get scared and study like siao after that.

Oh, and my partner turned out to be lanyingjie. What a small world indeed.

AND bridge. We're really nuts. We even found a way to play it online! Gosh. That was after we got chased away from KAP by the macs manager... oh wells.

Off to bridge!

Our Promise (:
7:47 PM

Friday, May 9

Seriously. I ought be burst my own little bubble and start coming out to face the music. Its 5 days to CTs and I've practically not started revising at all! Even my sister was kinda shocked when I calmly informed her of my CTs next week. She went, huh? Thats very soon! AND you haven even been studying!

Actually she didnt look very shocked. She said it more of matter-of-factly. I think she's so used to me slacking away that this situation was more familiar to her than if I had started any revision already. Maybe if I told her Im done with studying for CTs, she'd check if she was dreaming, then go find a bomoh to exorcise me.

This week is very aptly hailed as bridge week. Especially wednesday. I had fully intended to skip school, but the thought of econs tutorial made me think twice and drag my reluctant feet to the school gates of NJC. Alas! Ms Lee was not in school that day. So me, yiwen, cheryl and sheena went on a bridge playing spree. When we ought to be diligently studying for CTs. After school, there was an hour break before the track and field meet started and we played once again!

But thats not all! During the event itself, we practically dao-ed the whole thing to go to the canteen to play yet again. With the exception of the time when Sherf ran. She ran so fast! But sadly her team mates let her down and they finished fourth. I swear we're mad about bridge. Even after we got caught by the teacher for playing and had to sneak down weird passages to get to where the Terra house was, we were still thinking of ways to play it without people noticing. I thought that the sneaking about was pretty thrilling though.

Thursday was a day I should have just skipped, since it was mainly just consultation(for GP). I whiled away my time chatting with chew yan instead of being productive and studying econs. GP lessons seemed a lot more interesting after she got transferred to the front!

Finally, today sucked. Plain sucked. I don't really know the reason why though. Perhaps its due to CTs looming just around the corner and Im reminded that its near weekend already and I'd better get going or just go hang myself.

Baby was so eager to play bridge that we just pounced on every possible opportunity to do so. We managed to squeeze one game during our measly 20 minute break.

Oh dear oh dear.

Its time to do my "econs-application-to-reel-life" thingy again!

Direct taxes are taxes on income and wealth paid directly to the Tax Department. For example, as a student and a daughter of my parents, I get paid a measly sum a week for doing my duty(pretending to study and be good etc...hiding my bad habits...) As direct taxes, the overall head of the entire kok family Great grandma Kok will tax me directly from my allowance, such that instead of getting say 40 a week, I get 30...which is sad.

Indirect taxes are taxes on expenditure or production of goods and services. For example, out of my measly allowance, I pay taxes indirectly when I go out and spend due to the 7% GST charge which the singapore government implements. And the reason for using indirect taxes in SG is that it allows the government to reduce the direct taxes, such as personal income taxes, so that disposible income of people such as my DAD will increase and they will have more money to spend.

And then consumption will increase, although some people like my dad is too stingy to use whatever extra disposible income there is because his marginal propensity to save is very very high, and marginal propensity to consume low, unless you're referring to the money he readily gives away to the Singapore Pool. What a way to pool your money mann!

Furthermore, low income tax will also help to keep domestic talents in SG and attract foreign talents like honey is to bees. Why? Cos they can earn more money la! Money is so important. Money money money, always funny, in a rich man's world.

No wonder I don't find money funny. Im not rich boohoo.

Urgh I cant continue anymore. Brain has run out of creative juices! Shall momentarily stop blogging until CTs are over! Or maybe I'll just use this as a frustration ventor when Im too stressed out.

Hah. Like that's ever gonna come true. Maybe if prelims were the one coming around the corner yeah, but CTs? heck la.

Brings me back to my motto..."Flunk the tests, ACE the exams!"



Our Promise (:
6:18 PM

Monday, May 5

I knew that it was too good to be true. How is it possible that we have such a long weekend without any homework to complete? That was what I stupidly and happily believed in for the past three days until today I found out of the existence of GP homework!

I really must thank Yini though. If she hadnt messaged me to ask me which questions to do, I'd have totally forgotten all about it...and probably have to face the wrath of Ducro tomorrow. Or maybe secure the "break" meeting with him.

But thats not all the homework there is! Just realised that my skill A was not completed and spent an entire hour plus 10 minutes rushing it out. Im a goner for the real SPA...how is it even possible to write out that freak-shit long skill A within an hour without referring to any notes??

My mom was telling me about her childhood stories again this afternoon. I've probably heard them countless times already, but they still held me captive. Learn some new stuffs today though. I never knew that my mom and her family, back in kumpung days, slept on mats! Thats as good as sleeping on the floor! Its so hard, I really wonder if its possible to even fall asleep.

I myself cant even sleep on sleeping bags! Gosh, it sure shows how pampered our generation are. My mom told me how her life used to be fun, exciting, scary yet dangerous at the same time.

The fun and exciting element came from her playing all sorts of games with her neighbours and how she and her brothers used to take the boat out into sea. There were also all sorts of sea creatures around-horse shoe crabs, jellyfish, snakes, prawns etc.

Scary part was because of all the large insects that flew into her house at night. Huge dung beetles and mammoth-size moths! Okay Im exaggerating but the insects were just super large. I'd probably have a heart attack if I spot any in my house now.

Dangerous was due to the occasional gangster fights in their area, whereby those gangster run on their rooftops from house to house holding glass bottles and flinging them at whoever comes in their way. What a lifestyle to lead indeed!

Sighs. Its back to school again after the long weekend. Im already becoming accustomed to staying at home!

I want to play bridge!!


Our Promise (:
8:33 PM

Sunday, May 4

Firstly I must comment that the weather these days are horrible. Haven had a cool night for ages already! Argh.

During lunch today, I spotted a white spot on my Dad's arm and being curious old me, I asked, "Whats that white spot?"

My Dad observed that offending spot and said, "Thats a white pigmentation."

At the same time my mom quipped happily, "Its a sign of old age!"

My dad shot her a murderous glare.

I think that those spots were the infamously "lao ren ban" but the bans i know of were mostly supposed to be black or brown. So I asked my dad what the difference was. His reply was short and sweet.

"Oh, there are black and white pigments. Depends on what colour your skin prefers."


I noticed a brown spot on my hand soon after and asked my mom, "Is this a black pigment?"

My dad nodded away gleefully. My mom, on the other hand, frowned thoughtfully and told me, "Thats not a black pigment...its housefly shit!"

....*Stunned silence by me*

"Ya!" My dad agreed with my mom enthusiastically and went on to describe how the housefly might have landed on my arm and started shitting on it. My mom helped by adding more details to it.

What an interesting pair they make.


Our Promise (:
9:00 PM

Saturday, May 3

"Jie.." Dad calls. (Jie is what my parents call me. Chinese word for "sister"-to those who are too out of contact with chinese after two years of chineseless lessons to make the link.)

Me: Grunts

Dad: Jie...

Me: hmm?

Dad: Jie...

Me: What?

Dad: Jie!

Me: What LA!!! (losing patience)

Dad: Turn around and look at my toe!

Me: (*STUN) Huh?

I turn and look at the toe my dad specifically stuck out towards me.

Me: What's wrong with it?

Dad: Help me check if got blood.

Me: !!! *Peers carefully at that stinky big toe* No...no blood...

Dad: Okay good. Just now a can dropped on my toe so I scared got blood la...

Dad smiles at me triumphantly, as if he just told me the biggest secret ever. And then he turns back to watch his soccer match-Man U VS Westham! ( I realised that dad's expression looked slightly moodier when he saw that the score was 3-1 to United at 30 plus minutes...Probably betted wrongly)

Anyway, that's not my main point. The weirdness of his questions is something we all know already, by now. The point Im trying to make is-How lazy can my dad get?? Just how difficult is it to bend your bend towards yourself and have a good look at the state of your own big toe? And he HAD to keep calling and calling me until I turned and craned my neck just to observe the condition of his toe.

My sister experienced her first night in her new room, without me to accompany her. Needless to say, it wasnt a comfortable night for her and she could hardly fall asleep under such circumstances until it was quite late into the night. Whereas I had totally no trouble sleeping at all!

It would have been sweet if the reason for her insomnia was because I wasnt by her side and she couldnt sleep without her dear sister accompanying her. Alas! That was not so. The real reason was-The bed was too hot due to the uncomfortable bedsheet material! Over at my room I could hear her thumping about on her bed (with irritation I would expect) and then getting off her bed to pace about her room. Thankfully, although the weather was just as hot and humid over at my side, my bed was relatively cooler and obviously it was no feat for me to drift off into Dreamland.

Once again, this proves that my hypothesis (the grass is not always greener on the other side) is correct.

College Day was a total waste of time. I felt like I was squandering my already limited and precious time away by just going to school for a mere hour just to sit in the newly renovated LT5, now called Ngee Ann Kongsi. Some weird name indeed.

AND the weather is just freaking HOT. The weather was so warm and humid that I was in a rather grouchy mood. It didnt help much that I was seeing red everywhere. I mean literally. With all that red ties and the red seats in the LT5, one simply cannot help but feel his blood pressure rising under such extreme heat.

Got so bored with waiting that I ended up practising telling the Heaven's Coin story in sign language again. It striked me that I still cannot tell the whole story in sign language yet. But nevermind, I shall persevere.

I still have one and a quarter episode of Heaven's Coin more to go. Don't really want it to end though. Watching Kazuki and Mahiru's love can just be so bittersweet. It almost makes you think that love can make you overcome any obstacle.

I always seem to be siding with the supporting characters instead. Like how I'd rather Ah Feng go with Ah cheng, I would rather see Mahiru with Hiroto instead. Mahiru with Kazuki seems so like a perfect couple. Happy together, caring towards each other and always thinking about the other person's feelings. It just seems so surreal. So unrealistic.

Oh the other hand, Mahiru with Hiroto actually seem more perfect in the sense that their relationship is more real, something that you can expect to see in daily lives. Their playful banters with each other, and how they can open up and share their thoughts to each other...how they don't always agree with each other. This is the sort of relationship that lasts. Unlike the other, whereby Mahiru practically idolises Kazuki!

Okay, but the above is merely my own opinion though. Supporters of Kazuki-Dont slam me for saying that!

Went to dine at Prince with Jessica and Sheena just now. I think I've been overspending. What's that Econs term for it? Oh yes, disavings. I've been spending more than my allowance recently and even have to dig into past savings to maintain my expenditure! This is not a good sign....

Number of Days left to Common Test: 11!

Oh My God.


Our Promise (:
8:26 PM

Friday, May 2

Time has never passed so fast. I didnt know that our CTs were just in two weeks' time! Oh dear oh dear.

Labour day yesterday was indeed labourous. We used up all the manpower at home to shift my desk into the room and my sister's desk from that room to another room. This signifies us going different ways from now on. We're getting our own rooms!

It felt really weird to see my table moved into the room. As I sat by my desk, I actually felt a sad, sinking feeling. I guess Im too used to having my desk out there in the bright dining room. Now that its somewhere in the dimly lit room, I just cannot help it but feel like my spirits are down too. Maybe this is due to the fact that I cant take changes well...

Surprisingly, Ms Lee didnt give us any homework for Econs this week! Of course, there is this unspoken(actually she did mention it) homework that we ought to be studying very hard for our common test. Oh wells. Indeed we should.

It is assumed that we have already started studying for our common test. However, truth to be told, I haven't. Detractors may feel that I am courting death, but I beg to differ. Not doing well for this common test does not necessarily mean the end of the world. As long as I work doubly hard after that, during the June holidays, Im sure that I would be able to overcome all these hurdles and meet the A levels with confidence.

Once again, I shall introduce my mantra: Fail the tests, Ace the exams!

Im stupidly and stubbornly believing in that. I've almost staked my life on it, so it'd BETTER come true.

Sign language is beautiful. Its so sad that my family doesnt appreciate the beauty of it. Thus, this means that I really do have nobody to practise sign lang with at home.

I think I have some kind of a fetish for hands. Nice hands. Somehow, of all things I notice, its the hands. How it looks so slender yet strong. Im crazy. I know I am. Previously, it used to be people's eyes. Now its the hands. What next? Ears, nose, mouth, legs, arms?? Bleagh.

Shikes. College Day tomorrow. It's time to don that ugly red tie once again. At least I'd get to sit on that 300 dollar chair in LT5. The bad thing is, the performances and stuffs will probably end at around 7.30 or later. This means that my dad will probably be watching whatever football match that is shown during that period of time. AND he wouldnt be able to fetch me home! DANG.


Our Promise (:
6:57 PM