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Saturday, October 27

Yesterday me, pz, chewy, boon and meimei went to PS. LOL. AND WE MET THIS PERVERT OM THE BUS. Oh my goodness gracious me. He was practically enjoying the whole ride by pretending to be one of us, laughing when we laughed and looking at the person whom we talked about. And he also seems to be talking to himself quite a lot. All of us noticed but feigned ignorance, thinking that we were too sensitive. It was only after the bus ride that we realised we all felt that something was wrong with that man.

Then when we reached PS, the guy left the bus. We all stood up to leave too. Chewy was the first and this man sitting beside that weirdo guy slipped her a piece of paper which said something like: Im robert, call me at blah blah blah.


He appeared again at PS and boon was kind of freaked out by his presence.

Anyway, today I went swimming with Sherf. Wah she's damn crazy. swim 30 LAPS!!!

And at 1.30!!!

Under the hot sun!!

I felt as if I was being baked like some kind of Sweet potato. Except that Im not as yummy as a sweet potato. In such hot weather, the water was deliciously cool although I think I would have become delirious if I had stayed in the water longer. Heat stroke is a very scary thing indeed.

After an incredulously LONG time, I finally got to have my lunch at around 5. Cant believe how famished I was by then. I was surprised that I even had the energy to walk to Sherf's house.

We watched My Wife is a gangster 3! Shuqi is damn zhai!!!

haha, okay, all my energy is spent by now... Damn super tired...and my mood isn;t all that great after all. Sighs.

Our Promise (:
8:58 PM

Thursday, October 25

Suddenly i feel like blogging a lot.

Today was OP dry run II. Speaking of it makes my blood run cold. I don't see how on earth am I ever gonna up my standards to an exceeding expectations. Maybe it all comes with practise. Or maybe it comes with confidence.

Today we waited super long for mr chee to be done with his group of students. Since Rachel had to go for dance, the 3 of us snug off to one corner of the library to "look at books". In the end, we just chatted, with occasional references to a book on depression. (We all agreed that we are all suffering from depression in one way or another.) Its a wonder how girls can just talk and talk and pass time just like that. Anyway, i think we created quite a disturbance in the library, since when i looked over, the tables closest to us were all cleared out.

Ah wells. My dad and mom went to macritchie today! And they said that they saw lots of squirrels and monkeys! Im sooo jealous...squirrels are just so adorable!

Just finished watching Snow Queen though. I think its really interesting how they link a fairy tale character to humans. Its really sad though. Just like almost all the other korean dramas. The love between bo ra and tae woon is so sweet. It makes me wonder if this kind of things ever really happen in real life. LOL. Maybe it does, but just not to ME, for a couple of reasons:

1) Im definitely no pretty girl. Thus...im sure you know what I mean.
2) I don't live in Korea. No snow to make things look real pretty and stuffs.
3) Im not some rich girl with a lot of character.
4) I...didnt meet some high school guy at the amusement park when I was 14 or something...
5) I....aiya, Singapore's just not the best place for such stuffs to happen.


how sad right.

But you know what this means?

I won't have to die young!!


I can continue living more years. HEEHEH

Eh, sekali without such romance I aso die early...choy choy choy!

Dear god, if you happen to know that you are going to take me home early, please at least arrange someone to give me a sweet memory that I will remember, can? Thanks.

And, the guy no need to be too shuai, else it'd be too good to be true :P

Ah, look at the time, no wonder Im talking such gibberish! Alright, Im off to bed!

Our Promise (:
11:59 PM

Wednesday, October 24

Yesterday I went to cut my hair. But in the end, everyone commented that the difference was so minimal that it was as if I had not gone for a haircut at all. Dang. What a waste of my 16 bucks. Nevermind, the next time I cut, I'll cut super short and scare the daylights out of people around me. Yeay.

Oh no. Tomorrow is OP dry run II. I have absolutely no idea how I am going to overcome that fear of public speaking. Its not even considered public speaking, since there are only like, 10 people? Damn Damn Damn. WHY CANT THEY CANCEL PW FOR OUR YEAR? HUH? WHY WHY WHY.

Hmph. Sam just told me that she's going to Spain! Lucky lucky girl. I wanna go too! Haha, but its okay. When we're old enuf, we shall go backpacking in Nepal! Oh, and i heard that there's SNOW in Nepal! Ah...I cant wait to see snow one day.

Maybe i will be seen by some korean director when Im playing with snow and he'll get me to film in some ultra sad korean drama with the word Snow inside.(I realised that got Snow, sure very sad one.) Maybe it'll be called Snow Night! Ye Li de Xue! hmmm nice name. And I'll be starring as the lead actress!!.....well, wad's that word? the carrefar that takes the place of the artise only when the back is being filmed or something?

No wonder I've noticed that sometimes in shows, like Da Chang Jin, when they zoomed in on the hands chopping up stuffs, it has relatively thick and stubby fingers. Then when they show the girl as a whole, some how the fingers have morphed into something elegant and slender. Tsk tsk, thats totally cheating on us audience's feelings.

Oh yes, St Nicks' fiesta is BACK!! my sis has got like 20 tickets to sell? And obviously, her dear superman, no-superwoman, sister is here to help! IS THERE ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BUY? If you dun buy, (hmmm why do you feel a sharp point of the knife pressing against your neck? I wonder why too..) its perfectly okay. Just don't blame me if something undesirable happens to you. It's not my fault. (but my sister's..)

Anyway, the fact is that I went around nicely asking people to buy the tickets from me. All this while i was thinking that it was held sometime in december or something? Dumb me. How long have I been in SN to not know that they wont hold such events in dec?? Its always in MARCH. MARCH MARCH MARCH. NEXT YEAR...

And i only realised it after i asked like, quite a lot of people. Obviously, their reply would be-see first lor. Next year leh.

And my knife in the neck trick is no longer useful, cos they didnt tell me NO.

Bleagh. Nevermind, I have lots of time to sharpen it for next year. *Eyes glint*

yawns. I wanna sleep, even though I've just woken up not long ago. How PIGGY can I be???


Our Promise (:
11:37 AM

Tuesday, October 23

WAH, i feel like cursing. Haha. I went to school for like 5 minutes then left liao.

Waste my time. Could have slept more lor.

Going to cut my hair later. Im a bit apprehensive though. Dunno how it'll turn out to be like. Shivers.

oh wells, anyway, its decided that we'll go to hongkong this yr for our holiday! Hope that our tour group has nice people!! But im kinda sad that its only 5 days. Sighhh.

It's been one day after Judgement day and i feel much better already. Nope, I really shouldnt compare myself with others. Each one of us has our owns strengths and weaknesses and there's no point comparing. Ah, Im enlightened! Okay, so now all that I've got to do is to decide whether or not to drop any subjects. Haiz, I hate making decisions like this lor:(

Bleagh.,.. okay, gotta go PW-ing.

Our Promise (:
10:53 AM

Monday, October 22

Oh wells, today is the day where we get back all our results. In other words, it's called Judgement day. My results are as such(according to the order we get back):

GP: 60(58)
Bio:Unsure but overall grade is 43

I was really elated when i saw my first 3 papers. They were really unexpected, especially since I had this awfully bad feeling about Econs when I woke up this morning. In fact, I think my hand was cold and clammy through out the whole day! (Even though Im not sure if me being sick with a sore throat, cough and runny nose has to do with this, but I choose to believe its due to the fear.)

I really ought not to complain, but to tell the truth, Im terribly disappointed in both my sciences. Its not that I didnt expect it. Just that I did work for it, way harder than I ever did for Maths and Econs combined but yet no results are gained. It made me subconsciously feel so inferior that no matter how much effort I put into science, output is definitely lesser than input. Thats really unfair. Perhaps its my study method.

Well, at least what I expected myself to perform in did okay.

Still...if only if only i did better for chem.

And through this I can only conclude that humans are greedy in nature. Nothing is ever good enough for them.

On the whole I must say that Im generally quite pleased with my performance although, yeah, it could have been better:)

Now, back to watching Snow Queen!!

Our Promise (:
6:14 PM

Thursday, October 18

Some things are not at all what it is made out to be. On the appearance it looks like this. But once you peel off the above layer, you see a totally new image. I've long since heard of this, but never really seen it. Maybe I just haven really been exposed to situations like that.

I've often wondered if the people whom i trust them with my secrets are really credible...but that I'll will never know, unless one day I am proven wrong in my judgement.

Which, obviously i hope not. Argh, suddenly cant help but think bout emo stuffs.

I have loads of questions for you. Questions I don't even know if you can answer, questions I don't know if I even want to know. Some things are best left as it is I guess. Shun qi zi ran bah...

Im just wondering again, why do all good things come to an end? I suppose thats the way it is, if they don't come to an end, we'll never know to appreciate what is good. Which just makes me wanna hum the song....lovers to friends, flames to dust...why do all good things come to an end...

Bleah. Cant think of anything to say liao... And i cant stand my back facing the living room. I feel like my dad's coming to yell at me any time soon. ...

Our Promise (:
11:47 PM

Saturday, October 13

I realised that I have pretty inconsistent blogging habits. Only blog when I feel like it. And that accounts for the huge intervals.

Last thurs after the sentosa trip, we went to Rachel's house for a movie marathon and lantern festival celebrations. We watched 2 movies-The Exorcist and Just Follow Law. I thought exorcist wasnt really as scary as I had expected it to be, though it was fun to see my classmate's expressions. Especially Peizi, she was totally freaked out, and sheena, she was practically not watching through out. Mei mei and jia min even left the room because they were too scared to watch! Debbie just went to sleep listening to her MP3 and ignored the whole show completely. The basement was really cool with the surround system and all. It made the whole room almost like a private cinema. Wish I had a room like that too.

After exorcist, we went up to have our dinner. Great food there was. And then it was back to movie after eating some mooncakes. Just follow law was a complete contrast with respect to The Exorcist and it lightened up everyone's mood considerably. It was close to 9.30 when we all left the house as a troop.

Games carnival was the next day and I thought it a complete waste of time. Went home at 8 plus though. Shouldnt have gone at all. I could have slept longer. Sheena came to my house and played Arhiman's Prophecy. She and I both agreed that it was a good game.

Lessons have begun as usual and I've kind of lost touch with the schooling life by now. It felt a little weird to be sitting in the classroom or lecture theatres, listening to the lectures and tutorials. And the worse thing was-GOING THROUGH PROMOS ANSWERS.

I was totally FREAKED out. My chem seems bleak and my Bio is totally messed up. The only hope i could ever have is just dear old maths. And even maths, I'm having doubts about it. What if I thought it was okay when it wasnt? I'd be crushed. Yesterday pz mentioned that some ppl like a certain subject only because they are good at it, and they score well. That set me thinking. Was I like that for maths too?

I indignantly said NO, reason being, I liked maths even when I was failing all those lecture tests that aren't really counted. But then again, could it be because I felt that those tests werent a true gauge since they were not counted, and I seemed to treat them lightly. Maybe a true indication would only be observed if I failed my maths promos. (CHOY though, I dun want that to happen)

Yesterday, we decided to go to HC for their open house. I felt okay, until i remembered pz's question yesterday.
Are you nervous?
About wad? PW?
No, going HC tomorrow...
No la! Why should I be nervous? Haha..

That was on thursday. Then Friday came and I started to worry. What if I went back to HC and met insensitive people who asked, wad're you doing back here? Stop being so extra!

Thank goodness I had Chewy, Sherf and Nana to accompany me back there and to assauge my fears. (Sorry to sherf though, i didnt Pei you to NY...I wanted to but then when we got there i'm sure that you and ur frens would have lots to talk about and I would be damn extra...)

HC looked the same as ever, still that cheerfully gloomy place radiating with a sort of serene silence. Since I was wearing my SN pe shirt and shorts, I could go and get their goodie bag. (my sister said that i was very weird, keep going to schools to collect goodie bags. But seriously, that wasnt my main point of going back. I just wanted to see my frens again. And pretend, despite the truth that i'm not, that I am once again part of the school, and roaming that place that I once loved.)

On the overall, it was a pretty okay visit, better than some others. Met quite a few of my 7C classmates and they were rather friendly and warm towards me. They're gonna make a class T-shirt! Cool.

I didnt see a lot of them though. I suppose it must be because we came quite late.

After that I didnt want to go home so me, zhen long bao and munny went to J8 to watch resident's Evil. I didnt want to watch it at first, remembering that my S24 class wanted to watch it together but then it was the only show that we could watch that was not too late.

The show was not bad, but it ended too abruptly, giving me lots of heart attacks along the way due to the superior sound effects.

On the whole, I enjoyed the day tremendously and it kind of lightened up my mood. At least, i think, it showed me that true friends do not face the obstacle of distance. Once the bond is there, its like a stretchable band. It may become thinner when stretched too far, but once the two ends meet, it returns to its original length. And that, I hope, truly describes our friendship.


Our Promise (:
12:02 PM

Wednesday, October 3

Abe's recount of today's Sentosa Trip:

Only one word can describe today-FUN!

The much awaited class outing at sentosa finally came today and at first i was wondering, what on earth are we going to do at sentosa for like one whole day? Im certainly not gonna swim, not without an extra set of clothes and i dun think we can actually play any sport for like so long without any real ball present.

But that i found out in due time. After a nice but messy lunch at subway(where i was the slowest to finish my meal. Not surprisingly, i've converted back to my old ways...), we took the train into sentosa at the rate of 3 dollars for entry 24 hrs...Sherf was pretty excited over it and you could tell by that additional sparkle in her eyes. The whole group of us marched into the train and invaded the entire cabin like a flu virus. I must admit that I myself have never taken a train into Sentosa before. In fact, I don't think i knew that such a train even existed!

At Sentosa, we took a tram to some beach with a funny name...the GYA beach.(reshuffle the word yourself! Ooh and not to mention the few jap words we all came out with-naiyigeshigei?Tokenengshigei!!) There we enjoyed the sun of the beach, pun intended. Not all embraced the warmth of the sun tho-the TAI TAI clan ramained huddled under the shade of the mini pavillion and gossiped among themselves. On the other hand, i felt that it was us KAMPUNG KIA that had the most fun! I shant elaborate much on what occurred during the TAITAI clan gathering but the full account of our KAMPUNG KIA adventures are here as follows:

For the warm ups, we( me tpz qiao yini sherf kejia sheena baby yiwen mayqi jessica...did i miss out anybody?) trudged along the full length of the beach(which was sadly, not that very long...but what can you expect? Singapore also not very big to begin with, much less Sentosa) and feeling the cool water caress our little toes... And before we knew it, we're all done with the beach stroll and stuck with very little idea of what to do.

Later someone(i cant remember who tho) brilliantly suggested that we go into the water to have some fun. Joined by Wan Ling later and we went to the water to cath tiny little fishes. There were some in between breaks where we went to play water coconut(a monkey type of game except in water and using coconut as the ball), captain's ball and to meet mr lim's wife. Sheena was the most unlucky one durong water coconut. The poor girl just kept being targeted by the coconut. First it hit her on the head-thank goodness there's no concussion, then it splashed a great big deal of water on her...and then sea water got into her eyes.. Skipping all the intervals, we KAMPUNG KIA were almost having some kind of outdoor field trip where we waded among shallow waters and captured several species of marine creatures.

Mr lim was pretty knowledgeable about the type of fishes we caught. He seemed to be able to name all of them. And of course, his wife, a pretty Russian babe with model looks, was all proud of him. The species we caught included:
1) File fish, a tiny fish with mini pricks around it, apparently poisonous when it stings you
2) Baby squids which change colour as it skids about the water surface and swims around wildly..those are the easiest to catch, since squids are likened to being BLUR LIKE SOTONG!!
3)Another type of silver fish, small and cute
4)Horseshoe crab! I never thought I'd actually see it but I did! Qiao found it and thought it was dead, but it moved! Such a cute little minature creature with a tiny tail.
Then Mr Lim added another thing to our collection-a crab!! It struggled like mad when caught and seemed really furious when mr lim caught it and turned it upside down to check if its a male of female. To show its wrath, it held on tightly to my dear form teacher's finger, refusing to let go. Our teacher showed no signs of being in pain, perhaps its as we suspected, because his wife was around and he was putting on a brave front? When we placed the crab back into the bottle again, its eyes were moving very frantically and I started to wonder if the crab was muttering some crab curses in crab language at that very moment. Oh, just to add on, we named the crab Pepper. Not a very auspicious name for the crab, i would say, since it reminded me of black pepper crab and made me really tempted to cook it in pepper.

Later during its release, the cunning crab actually faked its own death! Me and tpz were actually feeling a little sad over its "death" since, after being with it for a little while, there's bound to be some feelings for it. Then Jiaming was pretty convinced that it was faking it and truth to behold! When we threw it out, it moved! And started running away-I mean, which crab wouldnt? I'd no sooner go back to the waters than stay with crazy humans who like to poke me.

I hope the crab's smartness only signify one thing-Good luck for our promos! It'd better let us all get promoted and keep our 4 H2s!

As it is pretty late now, i'll just summarise what happened later. We went back to vivo, had dinner, a little shopping and then went back home... Might go into details tmr. But for now, im off to bed. DEAD BEAT!!

Our Promise (:
10:47 PM