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Saturday, November 26

We had tuition this morning, me and my sis. i think the tuition teacher doesnt have a good memory. She forgot she said tuition starts at ten. She came at 10.45. She forgot my sis and i each tuitioned for 1.5 hours. She tutored me for 2hrs. She forgot that i apparently had job shadowing, she asked if i had to go to school.

cant blame her though. she's not too young anymore. but its a wonder how she manages to form sentences at her fingertips whenever im stuck which is quite a lot. like my previous tuition teacher once mentioned to me, testing me on zao ju is just like her doing all the thinking.

I am either too tired to concentrate or i am still thinking of last night's star idol. So surprising it was to see ben being booted out. its pretty sad too. I thought he acted fairly well. in fact, it seemed as though all did a good enough job. i guess i haven got the professional eye for such things.

Sam is in sweden. I wonder if the place is nice. I doubt i'll ever step there in my entire life.

Mom says we're gonna make cookies tomorrow, some choc chips some walnuts. cool. i like to touch dough. it feels nice.

My sister supports Albert for star idol. She influenced me so much that i support him too. So much propaganda. but i don't mind looking at his pictures. Some of them are really pleasant to the eye and you can stare at those for hours without getting bored. Not that i ever tried that. Its bad for the eyes.(computer too glaring la)....Anyway, she tried to hoodwink me into voting for him. I want to, really. but how can i when im so broke?

Dont ever ask a girl who paid $200 in cash to her dad to go to china to vote. you might just risk getting beaten up and robbed of $200. I'd like to curse and swear, for there's only $10-$20 left in my coin box. I'm gonna try to make Daddy give me more ang pow money next year. Not that it'll work but i can at least try. Right?.............yeah..

Fat hope.

Our Promise (:
9:01 AM

Friday, November 25

we baked cookies today! too bad my sister didnt help much. she just cut up a handful of walnuts and went to use the computer....

but she still get to eat. as i said, the world's no fair! my mom and i like did 95% of the work, she did 5% only. ask her to help she say she dunno how to help and go read newspaper... hmmm... so not cooperative...

Our Promise (:
2:34 PM

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate
You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

Our Promise (:
2:32 PM

Your Birthdate: April 7
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Our Promise (:
11:19 AM

Wednesday, November 23

I don't understand why she's doing this...

No, actually i do understand. Every mother has high hopes for her children but does she think talking "sense" into me works?

I beg to differ.

yes, it burns and eats into my conscience when she scolds me for not studying for my nearing Os (one yr away) but it doesnt make me want to study. I'm not motivated to study by that! Instead, i get really irritated and i almost make up my mind to purposely not study.

That would be downright dumb of me, i know.

But at this rate life will only revolve about studying studying and only studying! What's the point if i spent all my time studying and suddenly i die before the examinations? That would be letting myself down miserably!

I can't request to take my paper as a ghost can i? I cant even say i enjoyed the last year of my life! i'd be full of regrets then.

Im not saying i'll die or anything, its just an example.

Of course, i know her words carries many good intentions, like the feather waiting to be given when the daughter finally understands its true worth and meaning. I don't think i'd be able to accept it anytime too soon anyway. Jing mei took 30 plus years to understand. you cant expect me to do so in 15 years!

But then again, her words are strikingly true and that fact i cannot deny.

perhaps that is why i find it so annoying. That everytime she scolds me, there is truth in her scoldings. I having nothing substantial to rebuke because i know she's right. I think im totally screwed up.

I haven done a single one of my homework other than maths which is also only half way done.If my mom finds out im in hot soup.

I dont think i can finish them in twenty days.

I don't know what i want to be next time.

maybe i should be a writer. after all, i have loads of paper to practise my writing skills with. haha.

I made my dad buy 6 sets of foolscape paper last saturday. The bookshop guy was so surprised that we're buying so many that he exclaimed, "six sets?" and i had to bite my tongue to refrain from bursting out with laughter. My dad himself got a shock too and he thought the bookshop guy made a mistake. i explained it to him as clamly and patiently as i could that i needed that many to last through the semester.

The bookshop guy looked like he was going to laugh any time. probably thinks it is ridiculous and KS to buy so many at one go.

This week is meaningless. The harry potter movie wasnt that nice to watch either. Cedric is kind of cute but the rest sucks. Harry, Ron and especially Krum didnt look anything near "good looking".

Maybe its just me. i set too high a standard. but really, krum looks like one who'd enter a boxing ring to fight.

I kinda miss being in Xi an. its so worryless there... you don't have to fret over things like homework and job shadowing and tuition. I wish the trip was 20 days. but if it was i'd have been skinless now. peeling too much, like a snake.

Sometimes, somethings make you think. I love to think. Its fun. Its a great feeling when u finally think of something. thats why i loved and enjoyed maths in pri sch. In primary sch the reason why you don get full marks for maths is not because you genuinely do not know how to do but because you're either careless or you got tricked by the question. Thats wad i think. im not sure if others agree.

next yr i'd have to really pay attention during maths lesson. I can't repeat this year's history or i would never get into a good jc, needless to say hcjc.

I used to think that getting a good psle result, getting into a good sec sch, getting into a good sec three triple sci class is the prestigious ticket to a good jc. Once you achieved it, just a little effort is enuf to breeze you through the gates of the top jcs in spore. Guess im wrong.

Would be going to china again in about ten day's time.

cant wait. but once we're there, time's gonna rocket by and in no time at all, we';d be back in spore, living normally with the additional topic of china to liven up our conversation. why is it so unfair?

When we're enjoying something, time simply flies but when we're doing something we dislike, it creeps past us as slowly as possible.

Life is just so unfair...

Our Promise (:
1:50 PM

Monday, November 21

haha...just found out that boo is hello in the Kaulikans' predominant language. so farnie....

my sister turned on the tv on saturday when my parents were out. which turned out to be a huge mistake, it ended up with us being terribly addicted to the show "Top on the forbidden city".

haha...xiao ying damn farnie...i prefer her with long hair... she looks prettier here than in Mr Fighting. If she had long hair there i would have liked her better...haha..

heehee...its sad i can;t watch it anymore.... maybe i can plead wif my mom?

well, i guess my blog is slowly dying out... nothing much to write inside already...

yay, going to china soon...in bout two weeks time. my sister says she'll miss watching star idol. I think she fell madly in love with albert see. cant blame her though, he really is cute.

haha...if she sees this she'll kill me...


oops...thats my sis....haha, she's cursing me now...says she'll edit my blog for me...i think i'd better go change my passwords. haha....but frankly speaking, i think that Albert See should be casted as albert in Gao Xiao Xing Dong leh... Anw, i dun think my sis has anything to worry bout...no one she knows read my blog anw... plus no one she dunno reads it too...haha..its long forgotten... good in a way...haha

Secrets....do i have any? there's a huge possibility...haha...


i wonder if they'll show mr fighting number 2...or maybe the one i watched is already the second one? Dunno la...i very blur one...

Im watching Inner senses...my sis says it's not very nice but i still want to blog about it anw...otherwise there's nothing else to say...the girl is frightened because there's thunder...and her tap drips water... i dont blame her... i'd be scared too....now she sees a feet with sand on it. naughty naughty...go beach never wash feet...arh...show reaching its climax soon...

oh yes, i think that tian xie resembles that ma zhiqiang person greatly...haha...too bad i dunno all their real names...haha...

Our Promise (:
1:55 PM

Friday, November 18

abeline 你好吗 今天好不容易才能给你发email 那你现在有qq了吗希望你能看见 着封信 记住在星期一evening给我发 在tuesday morning我会看见 拜 王晨 王曦

haha! she actually sent me email! i feel so bad i didnt send it to her....but mine more sincere mah... i wrote letter to her! haha. so sian, don't feel like blogging liao...

Our Promise (:
6:01 PM