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Saturday, August 27

I used to hate people who are quiet and timid like a mouse when i was in kindergarten. People whom i told my past to agreed wholeheartedly that i am getting my retribution now.

Becos now im the one who is quiet and timid. But thankfully, no one is mean to me like i was mean to those quiet people last time.

I used to look down on less intelligent people, and cannot tolerate people who doesnt understand my explaination after i tried explaining at least twice. Then i would feel immense frustration and dislike for the person.

Obviously now im getting a taste of my own medicine. I simply cannot understand anything the teacher is teaching in class for maths and Science. It could be purely coincidental but I believe it is heaven's way of punishing me for having such mean thoughts in my mind. Or it could just be that i just cannot be bothered to listen in class, thats why i don't understand.

Maybe i'll try to be more patient.

I was thinking of going to language centres to study jap after my O levels. I really really regret not trying third lang. So what if i drop out after a year? I could have at least known that i tried, and at least know a few words here and there. Mun yee said she wants to learn too, maybe i'll get her to come with me? Maybe.

My sister just left the house about half an hour ago. I told her to padlock the door and went back to bed after locking the main door. Yet my sixth sense told me that she was not very obedient. I went to take a peep out of the doorhole. Horrors of horrors! The gate was open wide and the padlock was still swinging on the gate. I was so shocked. From outside it must have looked as if my house was broken in. And what if i continued sleeping and some thief or robber noticed the door and broke into my house??? I was fuming mad and messaged my sister. She merely sent back a "wadever" and then began to talk about some other unimportant stuff which she found embarrassing. Gosh. Is my safety more important or the fact that she met someone? Goodness gracious me. Such irresponsible behavior certainly shocked me to the core. She's lucky that her sister doesnt have the temper of Mrs Tian or she would have cowered in fear when she reached home. But alas. The situation is reversed. She would just roll her eyes at me for making a mountain out of a molehill and tell me to shut up. How unauthoritive I am...

Thank god no robbers past by.

Our Promise (:
8:31 AM

Friday, August 26

Gosh! Time simply flies past these days. I've got test after test and then, poof! The day is over in a blink of an eye. I began to like chinese more and more these days. Probably because the Chinese Os are arriving and I have to like it. Another reason could be that I've been reading more Chinese books and realised that chinese isn't really that tough. In fact, getting an A2 shouldn't be any problem at all.

Just had tuition....

hardly feel like typing at all....

I hate being manipulated.

Lucky thing, no one manipulates me. Ha!

Sam tells me that chocolate Aunty gave was hazel nut. Lucky her. Mine was coffee i think.

Yesterday was a rather boring day. A full of nonsense day actually.

Im back to playing neopets.

It's to relief my stress.

Our Promise (:
6:24 PM

Sunday, August 14

Seriously bored here. Its Sunday and i still have to do some idiotic Social Studies project. And its powerpoint. Yucks. I hate doing this kind of powerpoint. Urgh.

Went to my grandmother's house today. The pohpiah was very nice. I even ate a second one. Then i got so damn full that i felt like vomiting everything out of my mouth. Later on i went out and watched a little bit of tv. That show was nice and i watched happily. But later it was over and another show came up. It was a far cry from the previous show. So crazy and dumb. I laugh not because it is funny but because it's so damn lame.

Did homework for the whole afternoon. Proudly finished lit and physics( which is actually overdued). Then i spoke to Munyee only to find that she did math assignment 8 already. I haven even touched it. What a failure.

Feeling very bored now that I want to talk to everybody online, only it'll be too awkward to talk to people you haven talked to for months. I still want face, so i shant talk.

Wanted to watch Signs, but my dad had to switch to football. Its Arsenal versus Newcastle. I like Arsenal. Thats my favourite football team, only they are falling behind Chelsea now. Anyway, who cares about this stuffs now? I got my Stupid social studies to do. And three tests to study for next week. Which i haven even started.

Oh wells.

What can i say?

Os are just around the corner. Its so scary. Its so freaky.

But why talk about it. Enjoy it while you can.

(What am i talking?)

Our Promise (:
8:29 PM

Saturday, August 13

Went to play badminton this morning. Quite fun. But then sweat a lot. Got this crazy guy kept dancing about. Weirdo.

Our Promise (:
9:32 PM

Friday, August 12

There are rambutans at Pulau Ubin and we get to eat it for free. But too bad i Don't eat rambutans...:(

Our Promise (:
8:19 PM

Oh ya, did i say that i saw a spider about 6 cm? Really big mann.

Our Promise (:
8:15 PM

I wanna watch The Maid! Sounds nice mann... Anybody wants to watch with me please?? But not next week though, got three tests and loads of homework to complete. But yay! Tomorrow we're gonna play badminton for two hours! I hope that incident won't happen again.

i rmb the last time i booked the court, a whole group of badminton pros were playing beside us and i felt so small beside them. And also, i got so damn embarrassed that i wished that the floor would open up and swallow me. I could already imagine them saying, "good, that freak is finally gone. Now we can have the whole court to ourselves. Hurrah!"

Stupid pigs.

Our Promise (:
8:01 PM

Went to pulau Ubin today. Got fed on by mosquitoes. lucky its only one bite. But got this cute adorable dog. So friendly and kind. But when i told my i stroked it, she shunned me like i was a mad woman and asked if i washed my hand or if i carried any dog disease. Sho mean. The boat ride was jerky and short. Not long like i thought.

Then i had to rush back to take photo. Stupid Munyee ask me to run until i outta breath. Lucky i didnt vomit out all my chicken rice. hmmph.

Our Promise (:
7:46 PM

Thursday, August 11



Nothing much to report just that I won Jeridyn by one point after a nerve wrecking game which cost Jeridyn a lot of white hairs while waiting for me to come back from phototaking of the EXCO committee.

My sister obviously won after two bingos consecutively and even if she doesnt have any bingos, it is still pretty clear that she would win against almost everyone in the library society.

Ah wells...where's the scrabble competition that Mrs Tian promised us?

Our Promise (:
7:22 PM

Whoohoo! today was certainly an interesting day mann... First, I went to school feeling no need to hurry and walk at a leisurely pace, not caring if i would be late or not. After all, we would be at the forum, isolated from the rest of the school. So i made my way to forum. Turns out that its the wrong destination. Not a single soul found there. Souls that i can see of course. Since this is the seventh month, there are obviously some that you and i can't see. I certainly do not mean them. Isn't it really creepy if you are standing beside one unseen being and you don't know it? But its definitely worse if you know it.

Anyway, went to class and realised that we had to have morning assembly with the school after all. I practically ran all the way down to the track and missed being late by a spilt second. So much for wanting to enjoy the slow and leisurely walk all the way. I still had to ran in the end, and some more its with my big heavy bag with all my swim suits and stuffs. I probably look like a clumsy idiot stomping like an elephant down the stairs and all.

Had to wait a long while before we finally reached the swimming pool at STU (Singapore Teacher's Union). Changed into our swim wear and had a little splash and sploosh with the water. Then we swam around the pool(leisurely as i would have like) and floated about like dead leaves. After what seemed like ages out of the water, we finally had our try with scuba diving in the pool. I felt like a fish out of water. Only I'm in the water, which is ironically, the fishes' natural habitat. The tank was extremely heavy and i could feel the weight of it pulling me down. I could hardly walk in shallow waters, only stagger.

Later on, we had to practise breathing through the oxygen device in the water. That one was fine. But I kept trying to breathe through my nose since im so not used to not breathing through my nose. I even had to resort to tiring ways such as pinching my nose. That made it even worse in a way. I totally stopped breathing altogether and had to rise up to the surface to get some sweet lovely air. When i finally grasped hold of it, the instructor wanted us to practise what we should do when our oxygen device was hit out of our mouths. That was difficult. When we took it out and put it back again, we were supposed to press this thing so all the water would go out and we'd get fresh (or maybe not so fresh) air to breathe. I tried a couple of times but resurfaced as it didnt seem correct.

Finally i got it correct. I was so excited, i tried again to make sure i really did it. This time, however, i wasn't as cautious as before. When the water was released from the oxygen device, i took in a huge breathe and in went a large amount of pool water. That shocked me and i was so relieved that i am somewhere near the surface and not deep down a hundred feet or something. After coughing out most of the water and gasping desperately for air, i finally realised that scuba diving was not as easy as it seems to be like The Champions. This near death experience made me never want to go for the real scuba diving, though diving in the swimming pool is perfectly fine with me, as long as i don't need to hold hands with others(I need those hands to secure that the oxygen device is firmly fixed into my mouth).

The next skill we had to learn was the clearing of fogged goggles. I hated that the most. The instructor showed me how to do it under water and signalled for me to follow. I didn't intend to try that out cos i know my eyes can't stand water and so, i pretended that i didnt understand his signal and looked away, hoping that he would turn his attention to someone else. To my horror, he tapped me on the shoulder and signalled to me to do it again. I sighed inwardly and tried. The next thing i knew, water entered my eyes and it hurt like salt being rubbed on your wound. I rose up immediately, though i thought i could sense that the instructor got quite irritated with me cos i can't seem to do anything right. But don't get me wrong ok, the instructor is a pretty nice person. At least he didnt show his frustrations directly.

I hate those flippers we had to put on. They made it ultra difficult for us to move. And before we went down, i completely made up my mind that no matter what, im not going to let my oxygen device leave my mouth for a milli second and no matter how fogged up my goggles get i won't try to clear it. Then down we went, my heart pounding harder after each passing second. I was so worried that i would suffer from decompressional sickness or become deaf that i clutched on to my mouth piece without any intention to let go of it at all. When we went down, my ear suddenly hurt like hell. I totally forgot about the press nose and blow thing. When i finally remembered, i did it for approximately hundred times before the pain would go away.

And then, it was time to take photos. The instructor wanted us to hold hands! Of course i won't do that! Let go of my mouth piece?? I can't survive with it mann... So i refused to do so and the instrutor had no choice. After taking a whole lot of pictures, we shot up to the surface and used our flippers to propel us towards the shallow end.

And then it was all over.

Our scuba diving trip in the pool...

Our Promise (:
6:26 PM

Wednesday, August 10

I need to eat food.

very hungry.

like a dog

like chester.

the hungry dog.


gobble gobble gobble.

where's my dog plate?

Our Promise (:
7:57 PM

The magician has three rows of cards. An audience volunteer picks a card in his/her head and tells the magician what row it's in. The magician does that three times and on the third time tells the volunteer what their card was. (or have the magic puppet whisper to you what the card was and then you tell the audience what the puppet said.)

21 cards, all different.
First lay out the cards, 3 across and 7 down.
Have someone think of a card and tell you what row its in.
Pick up all the rows, row by row, making sure to pick up the row that the card is in 2nd.
EXAMPLE: Let's assume the volunteer secretly chose PINK-6 and then told us their card was in the second row. We would pick up the rows and we would make sure the pink row was picked up second so that it was in the middle of the deck.
Then lay out the cards again (the exact same way, 3 across & 7 down).
Put down one card per row.
Ex: First do this *** (let's pretend the stars are cards).
Then this: *** and so on (7 times).
In our example, we'd put down BLUE-1, BLUE-2, BLUE-3 then go down to the next row and place BLUE-4, BLUE-5, BLUE-6 and so on.
Then ask the volunteer where the card is in now.
Pick up the rows again, like before -- still making sure that you pick up the row that the card is in 2nd.
In our example, the volunteer would say their card was in the first row. You would make sure that row was in the middle of the deck
Lay them out again, the same way.
Then ask the volunteer which row the card is in now. (You can get dramatic and tell them to think really hard about it... pretend to be reading their mind)
Then count four cards down in that row. (It appears more magical if you count to yourself... people won't realize you're counting four cards down).
The fourth card is their card!!
In our example, the volunteer would have said their card was in the last row. Four cards down is PINK-6!

Our Promise (:
7:55 PM

Only three doors
An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival, the captain showed the stewardess the best place for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight.The next morning, as the pilot was preparing the crew for the day's route, he noticed the new stewardess was missing. He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up wondering what happened. She answered the phone, crying, and said she couldn't get out of her room. "You can't get out of your room?" the captain asked, "Why not?"The stewardess replied: "There are only three doors in here," she sobbed, "one is the bathroom, one is the closet, and one has a sign on it that says 'Do Not Disturb'!"

Our Promise (:
7:51 PM

Blonde paint job
A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do."Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?"The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?"The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch."A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money."You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats. "Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."

Our Promise (:
7:47 PM


dunno why, i just suddenly have this fascination of adding loads of pictures.

so dumb right?

anyway, today is munyee birthday and i feel bad for not giving her any present...

maybe i can just whip up something last minute?


so weird...

nowadays like hardly see huifang online anymore...

and sam too

maybe its time to start studying for chinese Os.

so scary leh. its getting so damn near.



Our Promise (:
7:41 PM


suddenly feel the urge to play badminton. Sam, if u see this, wanna go play badminton on sat? haha...i can still remember the last time we went to play...

hahahaha...that was one of the most embarrassing thing that happened so far.


Our Promise (:
7:38 PM

Im a weirdo! haha...

I dunno why i said that either...

just saying for fun.

I wonder what its like to be deaf. just watching tong xin yuan, one guy went deaf.

Im getting a little bored actually.

my sister went to watch charlie and the chocolate factory this afternoon. she totally doesnt seem to worry that she would be late at all. just like in the morning, when we start to get late, im always the only one hurrying everybody while she just tell me, late then late la, what's the big deal? just like my daddy.

I can really sense the similarity between them. haha...

just bought myself a swimming costume at sports link just now. and ate curry puff. nice. tip top. yummy.

getting a little hungry too...where's my dinner??

Our Promise (:
7:30 PM

I simply hate this computer.

It hung at least twenty times before i got n.

anyway our class won third prize for the poetry thing. was it really deserving for our class?

not too sure either but can see that the other classes seem to think it is biased.


going scuba diving tmr

But obviously it is not going to be in the sea.

just diving in the swimming pool. how interesting. Friday going to pulau ubin. so fun, can take the boat there. rocky rocky boat. shaky shaky...

how nice!

Our Promise (:
7:17 PM

haha...my wallpaper. nice right? i love final fantasy stuffs. got influenced by my cousin...

Our Promise (:
7:11 PM

Monday, August 8

I can't believe it. I actually spent away my whole week's allowances today! This is what i spent it on:
1) $2 on tutu(the peanut and flour thingy. But not say very nice. The person heat up for too short while. And when i picked it up, it crumbled into tiny little pieces. How disgusting!! I burnt my fingers badly trying to pick them up to eat. got fed up with it after a while. the stupid woman, cheat me of my money, give me lousy products. i was the one who earned her some customers ok?! when i stood there and waited, people must have thought that the food was nice, so they queued up to buy some too! but who would have known that the lady, seeing that there are more people, would take the tutu out before it is even completely cooked?! i dont care. i want refund! 2 bucks back please!!)

2) $2.50 on orange juice from Macdonalds (was so damn thirsty after eating the tutu. who knows? they may have added something in the tutu to make me thirsty so that i'll buy drinks from Macdonalds! what a ploy!! i dont care. i want refund! $2.50 back please!)

3) $1.95 on medium fries from Macdonalds. (i didnt mean to buy this at all. i was hypnotised by jeri and huifang and bought it under peer pressure. but i didnt even eat much of it! in fact, i ate less than half. just a few fries here and there. it is not my fault. i dont care. i want refund! $1.95 back please!!)

4) $1.50 on an orange pen from Four Seasons(this one is fine. i really needed it. so buying it is ok. there is no reason for me to feel guilty over this. and what's more, it is an investment on my studies. with this pen, i might be more attracted to my noites because of how colourful it looks. and then i read more and i rememeber more and i might just do well for my studies! so in short, it is worth every cent i paid. no need for refund! )

5) $6 on a bossini black t shirt with the world map imprinted on it. (i dunno why i bought it either. i just find it a thrill to be buying some clothes all by myself without parental guidance-they choose, u keep quiet, and without parental support, you take, you pay. i feel kind of bad about spending so much in just one day. and it is not even on movies! i hope i dont become like shopaholic, keep buying and buying non stop. but i neva spend money on clothes before! i dun care. i want refund!! 6 bucks back please!)

i got home fairly late. around 6 plus, close to seven. huifang walked with me all the way to the busstop before my house. you have no idea how grateful i was for that. i really dread walking alone. btw, jeridyn said i look like a butch. how is that possible, i ask u? so, whoever u are, if u see me, i'm not one for goodness's sake!! for your information, i;m straight, very straight. haha. when i got home, my dad's fren was there fixing the comp for him. i went into the room to have my dinner.

my sis left the room for a short while and returned with a sly smile on her face. "what?" i asked her. "go out and hear for yourself" she replied gleefully. i gave her a suspicious look and went out. to my utmost horror, i was greeted by my dad's monotonous reading of my blog entry when i stepped into the living room. i listened to my dad reading it aloud, fearing to show myself and make a fool of myself. at least, if i stay hidden, i wont be found. and my face would be saved. my dad gave up reading after a short while. "dunno what she is writing.... " he says. and his fren said" her english quite good..." i strained to hear the rest of the sentence but to no avail. what a disappointment. but neva mind! it's not like its the first time i'm being praised rite?? but seriously, i cant remember any other time i was praised.

at kidsread today, i was met with different responses regarding my hairstyle.

1) Aunt sharon- appears nonchalant and bochap. a smile was plastered on her face when i came in but otherwise she showed completely no sign that she noticed my new haircut. the kids, ironically, reacted the most enthusiatically when they saw my hair.

2) huang sui- points to my hair and seems sad at this new look. "why u cut ur hair? now not nice already...... " she tells me shyly. how i admire the straightforward nature of little kids. they tell us words that come directly from their hearts. what they think, they say. this is unlike scheming teenagers who pretentiously comment on how nice the hair is and stuffs. not all are like that though. sam, for one, tells me straight in the face that this hairstyle doesnt suit me. i thank sam for the frankness given to me. it is very valuable and heartfelt words. but i'm sure not all teens are pretentious. at least, those i know arent.

3)huang see- this one is the funniest comment or reaction of all the others. when he saw me, he told me somewhat proudly that he would be able to recognise me even if i shaved off all my hair. "dont think u cut ur hair, then i cannot recognise u ah. u shave botak i also can remember your face one ok?" he says. i felt kind of touched by this actually. it pleases me to know that they remember me regardless of my hairstyle and hopefully, the bond between us is more of a friendship than teacher student relationship. i wonder if he'll still remember me ten years later when he is a teenager. But i doubt so. My kindergarten friend can't even be bothered to reply to me, much less a student rmb a teacher who is not even ten years older than him.

4) Two girls from the second batch of kidsread-I can't really know what they are saying about me. the two of them kept glancing at me and whispering away. it made me rather self conscious and i was determined to find out what was going on in their little minds. I approached them to ask them but they refused to tell me anything. i wonder y. am i becoming too intimidating?

5) yingjie- this one is a little weird. he just kept gesturing away. i couldnt figure out what his sign language meant. at first, i interpreted it as him saying "i'm going out". that got me puzzled. why is he telling me that? i shrugged, trying to show him that i couldnt understand. he gestured again. probably mistaking that i didnt see gesture. this time i thought "he is asking all of us to go out because the air con is fixed in the other room?" i cocked my head to one side and frowned. then he gave a tiny sigh (showing that he is frustrated at my stupidity) and made that gesture again and this time saying "you cut your hair?" oh. that. so i "yeah" ed. and he left. oh, i showed my sister the gesture and she interpreted it as "chopping off someone's head". but actually i cant really remember so i might have shown her the wrong thing. haah! anw, this shows the theme of miscommunication which not only happens between mother abd daughter relationships(JLC) , it also happens anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.

i kept staring at my wallet. feeling sad. and broke. and then i remembered that kidsread is ending in 2 weeks time. i shant be seeing those kids anymore. i guess i'll miss them actually. and i'll also miss those mini outings with jeridyn, huifang and sometimes samantha after kidsread is over at 4.30. with kidsread gone, part of my social life and social circle is also washed away with it. i neva thought kidsread was important but i realised it now.

it is only when u r losing sth soon that makes u value the importance of it and u wish to have it back.

Our Promise (:
9:36 PM

Saturday, August 6

So pretty! haha...but my mom says she looks like she's gonna cry, sad sad look...hmmm?

Our Promise (:
9:40 PM

today got kidsread...i cut my hair...will the kids still like me?

Our Promise (:
9:00 AM

Thursday, August 4

I simply can't believe it. i actually passed my physics test! And that was supposed to be my worst subject ever! I think what i ever expect from Physics is probably F9 all the way and then at the end of the year i get asked politely to get lost from EC and drop physics. I suppose my physics teacher didnt expect me to pass either. I could already see it in her face. Her look of pure astonishment reflected so clearly when i came up. But it was gone in a spilt second, so fast that i could have even just imagined it myself. But im absolutely sure that it was there though. She changed her surprised look into a look of somewhat pride. Probably proud that she could turn a F9 in physics student into someone scoring a C5, which is almost as bad compared to my other classmates who easily just whip up an A2 or sth without so much of studying and mugging. As my teacher showed me my marks, she put on a forced smile and proclaimed:"Well done, Abeline." I don't hear her saying that to others in my class who achieved higher marks than me. It then dawned upon me that for me, a lousy physics student, a pass is a major feat already, whereas for other students in my class, a pass is certainly not enough! What is expected from them is actually an A1 or an A2 which i won't ever get!
Anyway, wad was surprising to me was that the physics whiz Munyee actually failed! when she told me she failed i almost wanted to fly off the building at once. If she this kinda smarty also can fail, i'll probably get a single digit out of 40. So you can imagine my delight and pleasant surprise when i found out that i had passed. But when i think back about this "pass" results a short while later, i realised that my overall averaged out physics marks is still a big red "FAIL". No comforting words on that.
Trigo was returned to us too, on dunno which day. i got a miserable B4. But then, my maths isn't suppose to be very good so i guess i should be satisfied with this measly B4. Yet i still feel kinda sore about it. After all, trigo is supposed to be an easy subject. the only maths chapter i found easy so far. I feel an aching sensation whenever i think about my glorious Sec 1 and 2 years. Those were the "maths-oh-so-easy" years. i never had to study to attain good grades. But now, everything sort of plunged. I suppose its because i don't put in effort to revise maths daily. Maybe i'm too used to just being able to ace a test without studying over the last two years. but then, now is already term three, isn't it time for me to change this horrible habit?
I think my PPR this term is going to suffer. I can't even depend on my usually consistent chinese results to aid in pulling up my marks. The recent Chinese test was completely a disaster! Having 91 for the previous Chinese test isn't going to help much if i failed it. and there is also compo. What's the highest one can get for a compo? If i can maintain the 75 i've been getting since term one, fine. but if not? my grades are going down the drain. No English help either, my compre sucks. Nor lit, which usually aids instead of pulls it down. I think i'll score badly for the last lit assignment. I completely missed out an entire chunk of important details in my essay.
But why am i talking about this depressing stuffs? Shhh...lets talk about something else.
Oh yes. Scrabble...haha. that one makes me happy, but if my sister ever sees this, she's probably going to get fuming mad and get a knife to murder me. I'm serious. you dunno wad she can be like when she is angry. That i have experienced many a times. Only, things were never so serious that she had to resort to knives and choppers to get her point across. Anyway, lets get back to the topic.
When i heard Austin Tan announcing that i would play with my sister today, i was stunned. then i groaned loudly inwardly. I saw some of the Scrabble ppl turning over and giving me amused looks. Oops. My inward groaning had somehow escaped out of my mouth and was converted into outward groaning instead. i sat down waiting for my sister to come over, my potential energy is slowly being converted into kinetic energy. I could feel wind blowing and hissing into my ears fiercely:"You must win...sssss"
Ok, not so drama, that was actually jeridyn asking me to avenge her. (she lost to my sister last week)
I felt that i was gonna lose. It was scary playing against her, knowing how she won jeri, whose skills are so good, they can swipe you off the scrabble board in an instance. I played, and since our "style" of playing are so similar, we ended up tightening the board so much that we both "jing4 tui4 liang3 nan2", cannot move forward or backwards. but in the end, somehow or rather i managed to defeat her. it was so remarkable that i couldn't believe it at all.
Somehow when the wind tells you to do something, you must always obey. Wise man never goes against the wind as strongest wind cannot be seen.

Our Promise (:
8:19 PM

Wednesday, August 3

I cut my hair short on saturday afternoon. I was sitting down watching this lady cut my hair. I watch each chunk of my hair falling off one by one...soon the ground was filled with my black long hair. I wonder if they take all these hair and make a wig with it. so cool if u find a nice little wig which is actually your hair. haha...the lady helped me change my fringe hairstyle without even telling me. she only asked me if it was okay after she finished cutting it. Wad is the whole damn point of asking me after its done? but anyway, its not too bad. Good to change hairstyle every now and then.
Today i just had my chemistry test. Ended up with a sad look on my face, knowing deep inside that i hadnt done well at all. I didnt even study or looked thru my notes at all. I was foolish. I thought i could be like munyee, ace every science test without even having to lift open the book. But i was wrong. totally wrong. I can never be like her. I am not a genius. I think im suffering failure after failure right now. even my so-called best subject right now(chinese) also turns out horrible and i know that im gonna fail the monday test. Its sad. everything is going wrong. its not the way i hoped things would turn out to be in Sec 3.
Our class tshirt aren't ready yet, so we'll be wearing blouse for connexio photo. nothing exciting happened at all so life is still as boring. I seriously hope and pray that mrs low won't change our places. i quite like my seating arrangement plus im surrounded by relatively nice people and super nice people. Im definitely not ready for a change just when everything (non-academically) seems so fine.
My comp suddenly got some kind of prob. keeps hanging non-stop. i wonder why? is it a sign of how my life is going to reach a standstill? I have no idea. My sister just changed the wallpaper since everything in our comp disappeared into the thin air. all my files saved inside are now gone. and i think there are several very important ones too. i hate my comp to hell

Our Promise (:
8:34 PM